Bevan C. Bennett wrote:
Christopher Ness wrote:
On Wed, 2004-02-25 at 15:14, Ed Gurski wrote:
RPM="`rpm -qa|grep kernel-2|sort`" # Show all installed kernels on this system
Your comment isn't quite right... You'll naturally only pick up the kernels that `rpm` knows about. Oh and only the 2.X series by your grep, but who has a 1.X series kernel running these days?
It also won't pick up the -smp kernels, which many people -are- running.
Other possibilities include: ls /lib/modules ls /boot/vmlinuz* cat /etc/grub.conf (configured kernels only)
So modify the rpm statement to "rpm =qa | grep kernel " or "rpm -qa kernel\*" and it WILL show all kernels installed with rpm ( as well as all other kernel packages, source, etc) .