StarOffice 7 is effectively OpenOffice 1.10 with a few bells on and paid for support. Use OpenOffice and the mailing lists, much cheaper :-)
Plus you won't be giving money to a company who has bought a licence for something from another company currently trying to extort money with menaces from other companies with a claim they can't even prove!
I *like* StarOffice. And for the record, Sun forked the SO code they bought to give birth to OO. So regardless of which one you prefer, it is simply not true that SO is "OO with a few bells on". In fact I would more likely believe the reverse: OO is the community's progress in improving and growing the codebase Sun handed them.
As for the rest of your argument, it's vague enough that I'll ignore it. The enemy of my enemy is my friend, and Sun has several strong points in their favor AFAIAC. They are increasing their promotion of Linux. They are competing head-on against Microsoft in several areas, and I have seen SO take some contracts away from MS already. And as mentioned before, I see them as the only decent commercial competitor to MS in this field.
You don't like 'em, don't use 'em. But in this case, I refuse to have Sun made out as the big bad wolf. There wouldn't BE a OO without Sun's gift of the entire source code base.
-- Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx