The archive info is on that page, but it is not very intuitive to go to an unsubscribe page to find the archives.
It is not an "unsubscribe page".
Then it should not be described as such. How does "To unsubscribe:"; imply look for archives here?
Perhaps the "To unsubscribe:" part of the sig should be dropped or replaced with "List Info:".
Smart people look into the headers, List-Archive: <>
Thanks for the pointer. I usually don't waste screen space looking at the header, although I will earmark it as a potential source of useful info. If I were looking for the archives, I would just google for it.
or just read the linked page. The current list signature is for all those who don't know how to unsubscribe and ask that on this list.
So the unsubscribe sig reduces list noise by providing an unsubscribe pointer for newbies.
Another source of list noise is from newbies that ask "where are the archives" and those who ask common questions that were asked/answered many times before. Perhaps an archive sig pointer that is not buried in a header would help reduce this noise.