Hi, I'm having a serious problem wrt FC1 on my machine: The machine completely hangs on every boot! In particular: During bootup the machine obviously tries to switch to graphics mode which isn't configured (see below - text installation). When switching back to the console with <ctrl><alt><F1> I see the machine stating up further up to the point when it writes "Enabling swap space [OK]" to the console. >From that moment on the box is more less dead: Console doesn't respond in any way, not even <ctrl>-<alt>-<del> seems to work. I can get in via ssh however, so I tried the following telinit 3 -> the box continues to boot giving me a login prompt on the console. Next I tried "redhat-config-xfree86 --reconfig" in order to build a working X-config. The config-program writes "Card Intel 865" to the console, then the screen becomes blank, the monitor writes "Video mode not supported" (seems like it's running out of specs) I assumed this has something to do with X-settings not working so I tried cycling through possible resolutions by pressing <alt>-<ctrl>-<+> and <-> (the normal way of cycling through different settings under X), but that didn't work either. Here's what I've got in terms of hardware: Compaq d530 SFF 40GB Harddisk Intel 865 chipset with embedded graphics-ctrl Broadcom GE LAN-connection Monitor Samsung SyncMaster 192N (LCD 1280x1024) My questions: o) has anybody seen this before? o) Is there anything that can be done against this problem, i.e. to get a working X-configuration? (after all an Intel 865 chipset isn't something that uncommon these days) o) Any way to track this down further? Thanks much in advance for your help, -ewald