Am So, den 15.02.2004 schrieb Technical um 00:04: > Please read the instructions below... Should the kill and stratup scripts > reside in the same run level... It makes no sense .... where should i put > the kill script on Fedora? [ snip ] Create a chkconfig compatible init script in /etc/init.d/ and then build the runlevel links with using "chkconfig". Alexander -- Alexander Dalloz | Enger, Germany | GPG key 1024D/ED695653 1999-07-13 Fedora GNU/Linux Core 1 (Yarrow) on Athlon CPU kernel 2.4.22-1.2166.nptl Sirendipity 00:22:05 up 4:01, 8 users, 0.01, 0.04, 0.07 [ ÎÎÏÎÎ Ï'ÎÏÏÎÎ - gnothi seauton ]