I've been using Fedora Core 1 almost since it was announced. I have to say that on the whole, I've been very pleased with it. Most of the problems I've had are due to the fact that I upgraded from RH9 to Fedora Core 1. There are some stray RH9 packages still installed (haven't checked lately), and that sometimes causes synaptic some problems during an upgrade. Careful choice of versions has almost cleaned up that problem. I don't know what you do, so whether or not Fedora Core 1 supports you as it stands is a difficult question. Fedora Core 1 did NOT support me right out of the box, but then again there's no operating system that does. I had to install j2sdk 1.4.2_2-b03, j2ee 1.4, some extensions for emacs (jde, xae, xslide), some perl modules, ntfs module, and a few things from Apache (Cocoon, Forrest, Xindice). I compiled my own xmms so I could listen to mp3s - next day Freshmeat has xmms-mp3 available. I installed OpenOffice 1.1 myself, as well as Netbeans 3.5.1 and Eclipse 2.1.2, Poseidon community edition, Firebird, and now Firefox. I haven't upgraded unless I wanted to, but I do like being pretty much on the bleeding edge with my toolset and leading edge with my server set. I'm currently very happy with Apache 2.0.48 (compiled and installed myself), Tomcat 5.0.18, and mod_jk2 from source. Since this is a development machine I've not had to stress it to the level of production machine, but from what I read on the Apache mailing lists my combination is reasonably production-worthy. That's not to say there haven't been a few glitches in the system. In Quanta 3.2 some of the kmdr info files were missing. In earlier versions of libmng the libtool file was missing. All of these are 'nits' that I can solve by hand, document, and then periodically check to see if they're fixed. If not, I can post a bug. Personally, I like this environment. I only boot up in Windows/2000 Pro to chat on Yahoo, play Unreal Tournament (I don't have the Linux version), and use my dxg50 synthesizer module for music composition. That issue seems to be with a lack of sound card information from the manufacturer. Other than those minor issues, I am happily using Fedora Core 1 to get a lot of real work done every day. All in all, a nice system. /mde/ just my two cents . . . .