Hi Peter, you need to do (not the only solution): 1. to get the next files: sk_SK.aff sk_SK.dic hyph_sk_SK.dic 2. to copy the files into /usr/lib/openoffice/share/dict/ooo 3. to modify the dictionary.lst as follows: DICT sk SK sk_SK HYPH sk SK hyph_sk_SK 4. now you can set the openoffice option Nastroje->Volby->Nastavenie jazyka->Jazyky Bye. Peter > hi, > I will ask you which file and where I must copy if I want that the spell check in Slovak will work in openoffice 1.1 which was distribute in Fedora Core 1. > > peter > -- __________________________________ Peter Santavy peter@xxxxxxxxxx http://santavy.info ---------------------------------- I have been using legal software -> I have been using free software Open source - for free and legally