What exactly isn't working?
The VNC4-beta server supplied with FC1 needs "-SecurityTypes=none" added to the server_args line in your "service vnc-1024x768" file (along with the geometry parameters, etc) to disable VNC authentication, and use GDM instead. This is new in v4.
See this excellent article for help:
http://www.linux-mag.com/2003-03/guru_01.html (though beware it doesn't have the "-SecurityTypes=none" parameter).
GDM/VNC works great for me.
- Mike
Jack Aboutboul wrote:
Hey All,
I've been trying to set up xdmcp/gdm over vnc for about a week now. I think that its a great method for remote access. However, I seem to have hit a snag. Ideally what should happen is that when you start a vnc session, gdm will load up and allow you to log in. It doesn't seem to be working though. I have already configured xdmcp to accept remote connections and set up gdm with remote greeter stuff and I also setup an xinetd script to run Xnvc as follows:
service vnc-1024x768 { disable = no socket_type = stream protocol = udp wait = no user = nobody server = /usr/bin/Xvnc server_args = :1 -inetd -query localhost -geometry 1024x768 -depth 24 -once -fp unix/:7100 }
Anyone have any ideas as to whats going on? Also any other ideas on how to do remote logins, aside from X forwarding?
Thanks in advance, Jack