I'm hoping that a real RAID chipset mobo exists so I don't have to fork over lots of $$$ for a RAIDCORE, 3WARE, or ADAPTEC controller.
First off, my experience with software RAID (both 0 and 1) under Linux has been excellent, although I've as yet suffered no failures. However, I suggest forking over the cash for a 3Ware adapter, they're not that expensive. I went all out and got a 12-drive card for $560, but they have two- and four-drive cards that are darn cheap. And they are "real" hardware RAID, with excellent performance and other RAID modes (5, 10, etc.) available to boot. Plus, the kernel module is open-source and included since God-knows-when in the mainstream kernels, so you need to do NOTHING to make it work... it just works.
What's not to love?
-- Rodolfo J. Paiz rpaiz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx http://www.simpaticus.com