Hi! I have tried several times to get Fedora installed on an IBM ThinkPad i1411 (300MHz mobile Pentium MMX [stepping 02], 256 Mb RAM, 4Gb HD), which has handled Red Hat 6 through 9 without problems. The install CDs check out OK, it boots off the CD, and the installer (text or graphical - I tried them both) goes along fine until the point I would start selecting packages to install. At this point, I get an error with the following text: You are trying to install on a machine which isn't supported by this release of Fedora Core. I was not trying to upgrade the existing Red Hat 9 install to Fedora, but wanted to have the install wipe out the hard drive and do a clean install. I also tried to make it upgrade the existing Red Hat 9 install, but met up with the same error message above. I tried selecting a Custom setup, as well as a Personal Desktop setup, I also tried passing options at the "boot:" prompt like "noprobe", "mem=256M" - and all those options still end at the error message above. The laptop is almost 5 years old, but from what I read this should be adequate to run Fedora. It is a little slow, sure, but it has handled Red Hat 9 just fine for the last few months. This is not a dual-boot system - even though it came with Win98 from IBM, I wiped the hard drive and installed Linux the day I bought it. I'm hoping that I haven't reached the end of the line for this laptop. I'd like to stay with Red Hat/Fedora, and could keep the existing RH9 install going, but would like to move onto Fedora if at all possible. Thanks in advance! Patrick Stoddard - Phoenix AZ