I have a nice, well-running, well behaved Fedora installation. I'm thinking of buying Windows because I need to learn ASP.NET and Mono, for all that it does well, has some shortcomings. Plus there's no good editor for ASP.NET. Anyway, that's the "why would you want to do this" part. As far as how I would do it, I have a second hard drive. I think I can just install the second hard drive with Windows and then point Grub at that drive as a possible boot point. Is that true? Or will Windows want to erase the MBR of HDA and thus this won't be possible at all unless I swap the places of the hard drives and reinstall GRUB onto the new HDA? Either way, I'd like to do this (assuming I even choose to do it) in a fashion that doesn't ruin my Linux install. Preston