However, two strange things happened: - at first boot my new kernel got panic - it wouldn't recnogize boot option root=LABEL=/ in grub.conf. A simple change into root=/dev/myhd solved. Any hints on how to restore it to root=LABEL=/? - there's a little mess with modules, possibly due to a bad configuration of mine. However, that mess got inherited by binary kernel 2140.nptl, installed with a simple 'yum update' some weeks ago. Now that kernel at boot time looks for modules that were not even compiled before i tried to make a custom kernel with 2149.nptl sources. This is the first time i compile a Fedora kernel, but not the first time i compile a kernel. Last time, some months ago, i didn't run into such problems. I remember that modules for different kernel versions were in different places and wouldn't overlap. Did i do something wrong? Is there something i don't know about Fedora kernels? Thanks E.