Hi! As the bug #109468 in http://bugzilla.redhat.com/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=109468 I also encountered the same problem, does any one know how to fix it ? Description of problem: Using: dialog-0.9b-20031002.1 and: gpm-1.20.1-38 When using a dialog box with the --menu option, when user selects on an option, a bizarre failure from what appears to be the gpm library occurs. Very simple example of problem: #!/bin/sh dialog --backtitle "test" --nocancel --title "test" --menu "test" 19 10 3 \ 1 "blah 1" \ 2 "blah 2" \ 3 "blah 3" \ 2>/tmp/test.out A cat of the resulting /tmp/test.out shows: # more /tmp/test.out *** err [lib/liblow.c(267)]: strncmp/isdigit/option.consolename failed *** err [lib/liblow.c(376)]: Oh, oh, it's an error! possibly I die! 3 Notice that it *does* get the correct value at the very bottom, but the text above causes problem when parsing the result. A google scan shows that liblow.c belongs to gpm. -- Steven Shiau