---------- From: Alexandre Strube[SMTP:surak@xxxxxxxxxxxx] Reply To: fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx Sent: 13. januar 2004 22:10 To: Fedora-list Subject: Re: gtoaster not working
Em Ter, 2004-01-13 às 16:37, Robin Laing escreveu:
Now, how to get by the "root" password request for normal users?
chmod 666 /dev/sg*
create a shortcut for /usr/bin/gtoaster-root
Will this approach work with cdrecord and xcdroast?
And the reason this isn't done by default is .... what ? Not enough traffic on this list, so FC1 is made useless on purpose , to make people ask questions ?
I think it is more towards that one thing that Microsoft has no concept on. Security! Documentation needs to be created and included in an easy (non computereaze) for the average user if Linux is going to be used in the home more.
-- Robin Laing