Stupid question most likely - so sorry in advance! I have scoured Cups Man pages, google/linux and a few other places, but I can't seem to find a way to get basic printing ability in FC, using a Lexmark X74 All-in-One USB. I know the scanned most likely wont work (not an issue as the speed penalty using crossover is nasty on this system so I need to use Win2K for that - and as such can scan in there), but having to save OOo documents etc as DOC files just to be able to print - as I have to open in word which I already have (no need to install software on windows I don't need is there), just to be able to print off a few Spec Sheets and white papers etc. I have even tryed resorting the the PostScript driver but that wont work either. Cups seems to work, but I get no activity on the Printer. Anyone have any ideas/suggestions? Thanks in advance John