I have been playing around with password aging and it seems to work fine when I logon to the machine locally. However, when I try to logon via ssh it just drops the connection after I'm asked for my username and password. Then when I logon via ssh as root, and "su -" to the username I'm testing passwd aging with, it works ok. I have tried this in Fedora Core 1 and Redhat 7.2, 8, & 9 and I have the same results w/each. Here is the test user's shadow entry: pepper:$1$YjRQIytb$LfLS/UCrG6F5shXHOWte/1:12427:0:1:0:100:: I see the above entry as: Username:passwd:# of days since last passwd change:# of days before passwd maybe changed:# of days after which passwd must be changed:# of days before passwd is to expire that user is warned:# of days after passwd expires that account is disabled:# of days since Jan 1, 1970 that account is disabled:a reserved field. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Is anyone else out there using passwd aging? If so, are any of your users connecting via ssh or locally? I can post log info if needed. Thanks in advance!