Alexandre Strube wrote:
Em Seg, 2003-12-15 às 01:29, Scott Burch escreveu:
Are you behind a firewall doing NAT? If so, you may need to change the ip
address to match the outside of the NAT (are you putting in the private
address rather than the public one?).
I did this, and didn't worked for me either.
I'm not sure of the cause, but I've seen this on a recurring basis with
FC1. Restarting nfsd is not sufficient to resolve. What does seem to
work is doing the following from your nfs server: "service stop nfsd",
edit /var/lib/nfs/rmtab and remove any line for the host getting this
error, then "service start nfsd" to get things going again.
"Oh scholar, if your scholarship benefits not Mankind,
you deserve not admiration but contempt." -- Kahlil Gibran