I am needing to make changes to the vrml.conf file before installing. I am pretty new to linux and do not understand much of this. I have searched all over the internet for days looking for help on how to do this and can't find what I need. Some of it I have been able to figure out as it mostly has to do with where things live on my computer. I hope someone here will be able to give me some guidance...
In vrml.conf there is a section on saxon:
############################################################################ # Saxon location - required for x3d running. SAXON_LOC => '/usr/local/src/saxon/saxon.jar',
I am totally lost on this. I am not sure what saxon is and I do not find saxon.jar anywhere on my computer. Do I need to install it? Where would one find it? I do find some saxon things on my computer: saxon643.jar, saxon644.jar, saxon65.jar, saxon651.jar they are all in /usr/share/sgml/docbook/xsl-stylesheets-1.61.2-2.1/extensions. Would any of them be what I need?
The other part I don't understand is dealing with OpenGL:
############################################################################ # Main defines for OpenGL, libjpeg, libpng, and freetype # # to use OpenGL Display lists, add -DDLIST to the FREEWRL_DEFINE line. # # if you want different texture/material property, add # -DX3DMATERIALPROPERTY # to the FREEWRL_INC line # # if you want to be able to root window on Xfree86 version 4 - add # -DXF86V4 # to the FREEWRL_INC line, and # -lXxf86vm # to the FREEWRL_LIBS line
FREEWRL_LIBS => '-L/usr/lib -L/usr/X11R6/lib -lGL -lGLU -lXext -lX11 -lfreetype -lpng -lz -ljpeg',
FREEWRL_INC => '-I/usr/X11R6/include/ -I/usr/include/freetype2 -I/usr/include/freetype2/freetype',
It would be really great if someone could explain to me in ordinary English what this means. What is this part going? I am using Peter Backlund's kernel module nvidia drivers and all seems well there (I have no trouble with tuxracer or glxgears).
Not sure if I need to do this:
# to use OpenGL Display lists, add -DDLIST to the FREEWRL_DEFINE line.
Somehow I *think* I want to do this:
# if you want to be able to root window on Xfree86 version 4 - add # -DXF86V4 # to the FREEWRL_INC line, and # -lXxf86vm # to the FREEWRL_LIBS line
but I'm not sure since I don't know what it means :)
Thanks for any help you can offer!
-- HD
Tipping my hat to Fedora.