Alexandre Strube wrote:
Em Dom, 2004-01-11 às 04:32, Eero Volotinen escreveu:
Noticed that there is ugly bug in mysqld init scripts. It stop working if there is password in mysql server. Not yet fixed?
This issue has been discussed here before. It has to do with a kind of ping statement on mysql's init script. Take a look at the archives.
The fix I used is found at the bottom of this message:
edit /etc/rc.d/init.d/mysqld as follows:
change the line:
if !([ -n "`/usr/bin/mysqladmin ping 2> /dev/null`" ]); then
to this (it may wrap in this email due to the line length):
if !([ -n "`/usr/bin/mysqladmin -u UNKNOWN_USER ping 2> /dev/null`" ]); then