I can't find a binary of gtk-gnutella for FC1 (can I use the debian binary at sourceforge?) and compiling any source code just isn't working for me and I don't have even the first idea what any advanced programming or compiler options are. There is no way I can compile this. Maybe in 4 months I can give it another shot. Or maybe I'll wipe and reinstall FC1 and select every single package, then retry compiling.
Unless I'm missing something simple, I'm afraid gtk-gnutella is not an option for me.
Did you install the development packages when you installed fedora? Without them, you can't possibly have a hope in hell of compiling *anything*.
That said, I compiled gtk-gnutella just fine without doing anything special, it worked fine and there were no issues. I would also recommend it as it's a fairly simple client to use once you have it installed.