> I'm trying to find a command that displays all ipconfigurations for a nic. > I wan't to display the IP adress, Subnetmask, Gateway and DNS etc. > On a Windows box this is done by using "ipconfig /all" Try 'ifconfig' (no quotes) --- Kevin Worthington - <kworthington (at) linuxmail {dot} org> Red Hat Linux user since April 1998 Fedora Core User since July 2003 (Severn betas) Registered Linux User #218689 - http://counter.li.org
Yes. Already tried that....
"ifconfig" displays the ip adresses and subnet mask of all NICs.
Also ran "ifconfig eth0" just to display for the NIC I wanted but just gives me ip address and subnet mask so no info on Default Gateway, DNS Servers... + a lot of info about packages completed successfully, errors, collitions etc.
Am I missing something?