Davor Herga wrote:
Anybody knows where to find some sort of Menu editor for Gnome in Fedora
Core 1.
Nautilus is the intended tool for editing menus in gnome, but it's turned off by default. To enable menu editing with nautilus, go to /etc/gnome-vfs-2.0/modules and replace default-modules.conf with default-modules.conf.with-menu-editing.
Then, as a normal user, go to start-here:/// in nautilus, and start moving/adding program launchers. You can also edit the menu from the menu: right-click on a menu item and choose from the various options found there.
I'm not sure what bugs remain to be ironed out for it be turned on by default, but it seems to work well enough on my system.
Any chance it will be included in later releases?
Thanx and ENjoY!