Jim Cornette (redhat-jc@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx) said:
What major breakthroughs were introduced between RHL9 and the first Beta for Fedora that deal with connectivity through the ethernet port?
We keep better track of ethernet devices by tying physical PCI cards to their hardware address; this is done with ethtool. Apparently something in kudzu's quick 'load module; query with ethtool ; query for hardware address' cycle on 3c59x makes the driver/card very upset. It's not clear at all *why* this is happening, though.
Thanks for the narrowing down to ethtool. I have two different 3com cards and was confused as to the sudden fallout with a NIC that was almost ensured to work with earlier Linux versions. The later produced in 2000 3COM NIC works. It is the 1998 Rev A that does not work correctly for me.
I read some earlier problems that had something to do with an auto-negotiate feature in this NIC. Do you supposed that the 3COM card is being sent (unintentionally) a signal that makes this card change modes of operation?
If this is the case, maybe the offending signal from ethtool or kudzu can be redirected or something similar.
Is there a linux based program that can set these 3COM modes to one that is predictable?