RE: boot problem (a lesson for dual booters)

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On Mon, 2003-11-24 at 15:38, gm wrote:
> Hey guys I have machine which was running linux however someone
> installed windows ME on it and now it boots directly into windows ME. I
> know that linux is still on the machine, but how do I recover the boot
> menu (boot loader) to select the operating system?

Try booting off your FC1 install CD as a rescue disk (type 'linux
rescue' at the boot prompt. Then once you're booted into linux, you can
chroot to your hard drive (# chroot /mnt/sysimage/) and run grub-install

I'm reciting from memory, so the details might not be totally accurate,
but it's relatively easy to figure out. Anyway, once you're able to boot
back into linux, you can edit /etc/grub.conf and add entries for WinME
or whatever else.


It illustrates the point various posters were trying to make earlier
regarding a dual boot machine. Put the windows on first.
I'm not getting at the originator of the thread who found himself in this
position just emphasising the point from the other thread.
Regards Roger

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