Hello everyone, # yum upgrade went fine on one box but it failed on another, spitting out this error: --- cut --- Calculating available disk space - this could take a bit Errors installing: ('file /usr/share/man/man3/CGI.3pm.gz from install of perl-5.8.1-92 conflicts with file from package perl-CGI-2.81-88.3', (7, '/usr/share/man/man3/CGI.3pm.gz', 0L)) --- cut --- Actually there were 8 similar conflicts found between perl-5.8.1-92 and perl-CGI-2.81-88.3. I'm thinking I can do: # rpm -e --nodeps perl-CGI-2.81-88.3 and then retry: # yum upgrade Will this work? Does anyone have a less dirty solution? (This concerns a production server.) regards, Remco --- AI student Open Source fundamentalist