Felipe Alfaro Solana wrote:
On Wed, 2003-11-19 at 22:57, Jorge L.Martin C. wrote:
--What I need--
I can suspend with apm -s as root, how can I suspend as user?
as root:
chmod +s /usr/bin/apm
Then, enable the apmd daemon
chkconfig --level 345 apmd on service apmd start
Now, you'll be able to "apm -s" as a normal user.
I don't know if this is really a great idea. SUID on /usr/bin/apm will allow anyone to cause the machine to go into suspend mode. So a security breach in any service (a careless CGI script for example) would let an attacker put the machine into suspend mode, a pretty successful DOS. Given, on a laptop it's probably not a big deal, but it still just kinda feels wrong IMHO.
What I've been using on my laptop, a Toshiba Satellite 2400, is to add the line:
%users ALL=(root) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/apm -s
to my /etc/sudoers file so I can use "sudo apm -s" and it works only for users that belong to the group "users". I also found it helpful to add a button in KDE to call this so I don't even have to open a terminal.
- Johnathan