I like to listen to some belgian radio stations while working. These stations all use mp3 streams. I use xmms + the livna xmms-mp3-1.2.8-0 rpm. 1) when I go to the stations website and click on the mp3 button xmms starts up and works perfectly. 2) if I close xmms and restart it and then click on the xmms 'play' button again everything works perfectly. In this case the url seems to be 'remembered', you still see it scrolling past. 3) however if I play some ripped (ogg or mp3) cd's with xmms first and then enter the radio station url with 'Ctl+L' and click on 'play' it does not work. I can't get it to play whatever I try. (and the scrolling url has disappeared). 4) also if I start a fresh xmms and select 'Play Location' (Ctl+L) and then enter a radio station url and then click on 'play' again nothing happens. (By the way what does 'Enqueue' do in this context, it seems to have no effect whatever). 5) I can't find a way to save an url I played starting with 1) How do you make a list of urls. I tried creating a directory, the same as for cd playlists but I cannot read the thing. Are these (3,4,5) known problems with xmms. I could find nothing googling or reading the docs. If it is my stupidity or oversight can somebody please mail me the magic incantation for 3,4,5. Alexander