On Sat, 2003-11-15 at 21:12, Peter Kiraly wrote:
A question: when i install a new version of mozilla or netscape why does the fonts look crappy? I cannot change the font like in the one came with Fedora.
If you want the nice fonts make sure you install an XFT2 build, preferably a GTK2 one too. The normal build does not use anti aliased fonts.
Or, you can recompile the Mozilla source RPM without Xft:
1. rpm -Uvh mozilla-1.5-1.src.rpm
2. cd /usr/src/redhat/SPECS
3. Edit mozilla.spec and remove "--enable-xft" from the "%define toolkit_options" line.
4. rpmbuild -bb --clean mozilla.spec
I had to make a link from "/usr/lib/libXinerama.a" to "/usr/X11R6/lib/libXinerama.a" to make this last step work.
-- Marina Buitrago Bravo (buitrago@xxxxx) Servicio de Informática y Comunicaciones Universidad de Sevilla "El tiempo no es importante, sólo la vida es importante."