Yes - I understand that the software we're using currently has some issues. We're not trying to preclude anyone - I am not having any trouble getting the pages to display in IE6 - we ARE having a couple of less major issues with it.If the intention is to prevent IE6, then the server should look at the browser version rather than creating "invalid" html...
And why preclude IE6? Oh yeah, because we can and we're zealots.... sheesh... ironic that an "Open Source/Open Standards" fan would not follow html standards...
I've fixed the problem where the html validator chokes on the line - there was an illegal character in one of the templates. Yes, you will find that there are still plenty of validation issues. We're trying to work on that.
Now - if you could please realize that this is a very part-time project that I put up in an attempt to be helpful. I'm not against some criticism here, and we're aware that there are some issues - but I also think it's kind of unreasonable that you seem to have expected us to get them fixed in the last half hour. I am not going to enter into a flame war here. We know there are some issues with the site. They will get fixed when we have a chance.