Hi, On a freshly installed FC1 installation, my up2date fails to work with the following error: There was a fatal error communicating with the server. The message was: An HTTP error occurred: URL: http://fedora.redhat.com/releases/fedora-core-1/headers/header.info Status Code: 404 Error Message: Not Found Checking the repository, it doesn't exist and produces the 404 status error (which explains the above error). When checking the applet the following is also the error: The applet has been unable to access the following information sources in its last attempts: fedora-core-1 @ http://fedora.redhat.com/releases/fedora-core-1, updates-released @ http://fedora.redhat.com/updates/released/fedora-core-1 Again, none of the above exist. How do I configure up2date to use repositories that actually work? (and which ones should I use?) Thanks. Michael. http://personals.yahoo.com.au - Yahoo! Personals New people, new possibilities. FREE for a limited time.