All, Ok, I just installed FC1 on my Winbook XL (yeah, it's old, but it still limps along). I did an install, not an upgrade. Here are the issues I noticed: Hardware-specific: - My pcmcia ethernet card stops working now and then. Re-seating it fixes it. (Either a kernel or pcmcia or hotplug issue I presume, but I thought I'd mention it.) - The on-board sound card is not recognized. (It seems to be an opl3sa2 variant; I haven't determined how to get it to initialize so KDE uses it on boot. Kernel issue.) - I have to add "pci=irqmask=0xaff0" to the kernel parameters to avoid locking up as soon as I touch the mouse (a touch pad). So, I added that to the kernel commandline when I booted the install CD. But when the system rebooted, it didn't have that in grub.conf, so it locked up. When the user adds commandline parameters to the install kernel, they can't just be ignored... they need to show up in grub.conf. Perhaps the user should be asked about it, if there are cases where that isn't the desired behavior. Software-related: - One of the first things I did once I got the ethernet working was 'yum update', but I get a 404 message. Apparently ""; does not exist. Um, that's a _really_ bad way to start off. Is there a yum repository I can point this thing to? (Better: make that link work.) - Is there a bugzilla for Fedora around somewhere? I don't see a link on the site. If we're supposed to use, there needs to be a link to it... Anyway, the above were the things I got annoyed with... hopefully the last three can be addressed. Thanks for listening to me rant. :/ C-ya, Eli