Hello Fedora List! I've just installed FC1 on my brand New DELL ispirion 500m. Went pretty smooth, execpt for the screen. It is a SXGA+ (1400x1050). The thing is that Fedora can't probe my screen, and sets it to a default screen. Thats results in a 800x600 screen with 1000 colors. I have updated the drive from intel, and now it sees my videocard, but still not the screen. So my problem is basicly to get the resolution up to 1400x1050. You can se my XF86free file here: www.student.dtu.dk/~s011564/XF86Config I have been trying to play with the refresh rates but that didn't help. My log kan be found here: www.student.dtu.dk/~s011564/XFree86.0.log Even though I don't really under stand it. Can anyone help? Thanks! /Thomas