Re: problems running Acrobat Reader 5

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On Thu, 13 Nov 2003, Ulrich Drepper wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> Mirko Streckenbach wrote:
> > This helps only against the startup crash, but acroread still crashes
> > / hangs when searching a term which cannot be found in the document
> I've never seen this and I constantly have five or more PDFs open and do
> searches all the time.

On RH9, anyway, this is a consistently reproducible problem (though I
don't get the nice message on the console).  Just open a document in
acroread, press the search button, search for a string you know is not in
the document, and watch the fireworks.  I just tried with the latest glibc
updates and it still fails.

My guess (though anything is possible) is that Adobe needs to fix this
one.  See
Apparently, it's RH7.3, 8, 9, and now FC1, and acroread 5.06, 7, and 8.
Not surprisingly, RH won't fix Adobe proprietary code.  It doesn't look
like Adobe's bug tracking process is very open 8^(.

> The only other problem I know about is that repeated searching sometimes
>  gets stuck for some reason.  Must be another Motif problem since if the
> popup gets and loses focus a couple of times (i.e., wiggle with the
> mouse if you have appropriate mouse focus setting) it continues correctly.
> - --
> â Ulrich Drepper â Red Hat, Inc. â 444 Castro St â Mountain View, CA â
> Version: GnuPG v1.2.2 (GNU/Linux)
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		Matthew Saltzman

Clemson University Math Sciences
mjs AT clemson DOT edu

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