Hi, I would like to install FC1 on my old Targa Road Warrior 700.
1. I start the installation with "linux noprobe"
2. The install image boots well and anconda enters the scene
3. I skip the installation media check (I already installed successfully a system with this set of CDs)
4. I choose the correct PCMCIA driver
5. Anaconda starts probing (but I said noprobe in #1) and detects the S3 M5 Virge Graphic Card
6. Anaconda prints some odd chars on the screen and hangs totaly
Here are the System datas: - Intel MMX 233MHz (Intel Mobile Triton) - 128MB RAM - S3 M5 4MB Graphic Card - S-TFT 12.1' - Sound Blaster Pro 16-Bit
How can I disable the modprobe completly? Wich options I can adjust to get this baby working. I guess it's a problem with the videocard and monitor.
TIA. - Gerhard