jim tate wrote:
SORRY Guys, but I should have know there was a reason why the computer was takingSean Estabrooks wrote:
I have installed Feddora on a old 6.4gig drive and for some reason it won't bootOn Mon, 10 Nov 2003 16:54:33 -0500 jim tate <mickeyboa@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Jim tate
This likely isn't a LILO problem at all. Especially since you've shown
in an earlier email that the boot sector does contain a valid LILO image. Almost the very first thing LILO does is to print the letter "L" onto your
screen so that you know it's started. After each successful step lilo
prints the next letters... "I"... "L"... "O" each letter meaning a
specific step has been completed properly. The message your seeing suggests that the BIOS is not transfering control
to LILO at all. Here are some possibilities for you to check in your
BIOS settings:
Disk boot order does not contain "C" drive.
necessary IDE interfaces are enabled.
Make sure there's no floppy disk inserted :o)
Make sure you're not set to boot off of SCSI instead.
Umm.. i'm probably forgetting one or two items but you get the idea.
Good Luck, Sean
off that drive.
The boot priorties I have set are 1. Floppy 2. Hd0 , that order.
This is a P3 box and I have RH9.0 on a 40gig drive which boots off of it , no problems.
I can boot into fedora if I put a boot disk in floppy.
I guess I will have to reinstall fedora on a better harddrive.
Thanks for your help.
Jim Tate
Jim Tate
so long to detect the drives. I had the harddrive connected as a single drive on the ribbon
cable and the drive was jumper selected as a master instead of a single drive selected.
Thanks Sean.
I did learn how to setup lilo on Fedora, I copied the lilo rpm from my rh9.0 disks and
the /boot/message file from one of my working rh9.0 boxes, and edited the lilo.conf
to Fedora and did a /sbin/lilo -v and Wa'La I have the old RedHat Graphics window
pop up at boot time.
And now you all ask why LILO on Fedora. It's because I find LILO easier to edit and
do what I want it to do. To put it in plain english, I don't quite understand Grub, Someday!
Thanks Again
Jim Tate