Hi, I would like to update my RH 9 with the Fedora Core 1 via NFS.
1. I downloaded the iso images 2. Mounted the iso images somewhere 3. Exported this filesystem via nfs 4. I burnt the boot.iso to a CD-R and rebooted 5. I choose "linux text" at the boot prompt 6. The installation kernel boots as normal 7. Anaconda starts and I choosed my installation language and keyboard map 8. I entered the network setup (ip and co.) 9. Configured NFS server and the mount dir. 10. Anaconda mounts the directory and tries to start something 11. A Python exception happens:
<error> Traceback (most recent call last) File "/usr/bin/anaconda", line 344, in ? import dispatch .... File "/usr/lib/python2.2/socket.py", line 41, in ? from _socket import * Import Error: /lib/libssl.so.4: invalid ELF headers </error>
What happens here? Is my iso image corrupt?
My system is a 512MB/AMD Athlon 1.2 Ghz.
Greets - Gerhard