I have recently updated my RH9 machine at home to FC1. The processor is an Athalon 2000+. In RH9 I could run various games Quake 3, Unreal Tournament, etc on the Nvidia 5200 FX card. This was running fine using the Nvidia installer file (a .run thing). After installing FC1 I also re-ran the Nvidia installer with CC=gcc32 exported as described by others. All seems fine, X comes up and all but games still don't work correctly. After attempting to run a game the screen only shows about 1/4 of the desktop and in some cases is unresponsive. Q3 doesn't run and causes the desktop to be unresponsive, UT runs ok but needs X to be ended and restarted to get things working again, etc.
So, I figure that I need to uninstall the Nvidia driver for the card and install something that is more likely to work. This brings me to my two questions:
How do I remove or un-install the Nvidia drivers?
What is the best replacement, and how do I install it? In previous threads I see references to :
http://www2.educ.umu.se/~peter/nvidia/ <http://www2.educ.umu.se/%7Epeter/nvidia/>
and another one that I can't seem to put my mouse on at the moment.
or is there an easier solution?
Kind regards,