Re: Moderate this list?

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On Thu, 2003-11-06 at 01:37, Mike A. Harris wrote:
> On Thu, 6 Nov 2003, Ernest L. Williams Jr. wrote:
> >Is the support for Xinerama better in Fedora?
> >I will be buying a few NVIDIA Quadro NVS 400.
> >
> >Trying to get away from the Matrox G200
> Not sure what your questions have to do with the email you were 
> replying to, as they are totally unrelated.
Nothing.  I was trying to make a point and change the subject.
I know that is probably not the correct way to change the subject but I
too am tired of seeing junk mail on this list.

My original question is still valid; so I will make a new thread.

Sorry for the confusion

> When posting a new question or thread, please post a new message 
> to the list, and not just a reply to an existing one with a 
> total change of subject.  It's confusing, and makes threads hard 
> to follow in an already cluttered list, with mismatched subject 
> lines having nothing to do with message content....
Ernest L. Williams Jr. <ernesto@xxxxxxxx>

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