To return to the original question...
1. Create a directory (using mkdir) in /lib/modules/2.xxxxx.nptl/kernel/fs called ntfs.
2. Put the file (link at the bottom of this message) into the newly created ntfs directory. Rename the file to ntfs.o
3. Permissions on the ntfs.o file should be 644 (i.e. use chmod 644 ntfs.o)
4. Now, the line in fstab needs to look similar this:
/dev/hda1 /mnt/ntfs auto ro,user,umask=000 0 0
This is exactly what I have done, and it works fine.
This is the link to the file:
Thanks Andy but is isn't working for me. I am getting the same error "fs type ntfs not supported by kernel" I have kernel 2.4.22-1.2135 is that
makes any difference.