Hi everybody!! I'm new here in the Fedora list and I have a problem. I have 2 HD. I have Fedora Core in the second HD and Win XP in the first HD. But when I choose in the GRUB loader the Windows XP option, GRUB starts again. I can't start a session with Windows. I made all I read in the web(look above)but it doesn't work. Please, help me!Thanks and sorry for my english :) rootnoverify (hd0,0) makeactive chainloader +1 boot -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¿Quieres conocer tu futuro? Te leemos las cartas de forma personalizada en el 806 526 440 http://www.miwebcam.com/dialers/hispatarot/ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ¿Conoces eBay, el mayor centro de compra y venta en internet? Móviles, portátiles, pda´s, cd´s, cámaras digitales, videocamaras... ¡Compra ahora a los mejores precios! http://ebay.hispavista.com/