Rob Park wrote:
Jim Cornette wrote:
I've seen the missing footer problem with another mailing list.
It was a MIME & HTML message; the unsubscribe info was tacked on to the end, but you don't see it because it wasn't embedded into the HTML, which is what is being displayed. Do a "view message source" in your mailer and you'll see what I mean.
I never thought about it being there but not displayed. Thanks for the info.
Now, about the new 2.6 test kerel that is avalable through the development channel. I installed it on this machine without much trouble. All I loas is mouse scrolling and clicking on the touchpad to act as a click.
On my desktop though. I am prompted with this message after giving my user name and password. The 2.4 kernel works fine on this machine. Now for the error.
login:user password:xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Now a question apears on the screen which asks the below. Would you like to enter a security context (Y)
next appears the below: role: followed by the next line. type:
I am at a loss as to where this requirement came from This is in runlevel 3.
If I go into runlevel 5, I get the gdm manager up, but an error that I was logged out within 10 seconds. This happens on kde, gnome and failsafe modes.
Any ideas?