Hi Synopsis - install RH9, dhcpd works, gives out addresses. Install or upgrade to Fedora Core 1, dhcp no longer gives addresses. Repeatable (two RH 9 installs, 2 Fedora installs, one RH9-FC1 update from CD's) Note: I've even tried removing FC1's dhcpd, installing RH9 'version' - still bad. Tried "turn off kudzu" 'trick' - same. System: Compaq 600 Deskpro, 192 meg ram. Machine used as gateway to internet/ firewall/ webserver/ dhcp server. Network cards: Eth0 is e100 (intel) connected via pppoe /vDSL. Network set to (as per instructions Eth1 is using 3c59x driver. Connected to internal network (which does / does not send addresses to 2 other machines via a hub) Same configuration files used with both RH9 and FC1. Config files: Here's /etc/sysconf/dhcpd: ######################### # Command line options here DHCPDARGS=eth1 ########################## Here's /etc/dhcpd.conf ########################### ddns-update-style ad-hoc; ignore client-updates; # home net subnet netmask { option routers; option broadcast-address; option ip-forwarding off; option subnet-mask; option domain-name-servers,; range; default-lease-time 86400; max-lease-time 86400; } ######################### and dhcpd.conf.lock: 1335 Iifcfg-eth0: ##################### [root@host root]# less /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 DEVICE=eth0 BOOTPROTO=static BROADCAST= IPADDR= NETMASK= NETWORK= ONBOOT=yes Ifcfg-eth1: #################### DEVICE=eth1 BOOTPROTO=static BROADCAST= IPADDR= NETMASK= NETWORK= ONBOOT=yes I've no idea what the dhcpd.conf.lock does - no mention of it in the (lengthy) documentation... As I say, above files are same for both installations... Any ideas greatfully received. -Andy