1. "FC1 crashed my LG drive" - after installation during the very first boot. CD led was off, was dark, wasn't flashing. My BIOS was operting really slowly (it's celeron 1700MHz with 256DDR). When I pushed cd button to open nothing happened - the drive remained closed. 2. How did I fix it? Slowly and with a little help of my polish friend. :D 3. LG help page is here: http://pl.lgservice.com/index_b2c.jsp It's in polish but U can switch it to enlish and the most important is picture Dead.gif 4. The picture http://pl.lgservice.com/jsp/common/download.jsp?DOC_ID=KRSWL000012808&FILE_NAME=KRSWL000012808-b1-a1.gif&ORIGINAL_NAME_b1_a1=Dead.gif&FILE_GUBUN=B is almost correct but the point 4. means: push and hold the button, unplug the drive and plug again. Greetz