Do NOT be alarmed! Today is not Wednesday! But tomorrow is! and that means..... Fedora Bug Day Tomorrow!!!!!! Theme: A general call to arms, for bugbusting!!!!! Not really sure there is a specific issue that needs to be addressed from the community side of things, other than the increasing and consistent pile-up of packages sitting at waiting for community QA. Or at least developers haven't pulled my ear about it. So there is no specific bughunting theme. There are in fact several long term issues that I personally want to encourage the community to help me explore in the bughunting and bug triaging solution space. This is probably going to be an extremely rambling email. *Become involved in the QA process and help QA packages that are waiting to be published in the addon repo: . There are 293 packages sitting waiting for QA. That's 293 packages the Fedora community could be enjoying in the published repository trees, once they have made it through the community QA process. Remember, until the full merge is completed and Fedora Extras and Alternatives is up and packagers are being advised to use's process. How do you become involved in the QA process? Easy, read: *Help triage the fedora core bugzilla reports by reviewing open bugzilla bug tickets and trying to use simple comment strings as a way to categorize bug reports to make it easier for developers to quickly find bugs that can be marked closed. For more information take a look at: But if you are unsure on how to use the triage comment idea, discussion in #fedora-bugs on the freenode irc network is encouraged. *there is also going to be an opportunity for bug triagers to test a set of xmlrpc bugzilla interface tools, very soon now. I'm not directly involved with the tool building, but Mr. Nasrat should be sending a follow up post with some more detailed directions about some example tools...its all too very exciting for me to talk about in a fashion approximating coherence. -jef"one paragraph was written in invisible ink"spaleta