Re: 2.6.23-rc3-mm1 - irda goes belly up

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On Thu, 23 Aug 2007 21:37:55 +0400, Alexey Dobriyan said:
> On Thu, Aug 23, 2007 at 09:33:46AM -0400, wrote:
> > On Wed, 22 Aug 2007 02:06:48 PDT, Andrew Morton said:
> > >
> > 
> > OK, so I don't actually *use* the irDA on my laptop for much, but I figure if
> > I have the hardware, I should at least make sure the driver comes up.
> > 
> > 23-rc3-mm1 causes massive spewage, apparently at least partially as a fall-out
> > of the sysctl rework.  Not sure if those caused the 'unknown symbol' issues or
> > not.  The 'cannot allocate memory' is somewhat odd too, I can't believe it was
> > *really* out of memory while still in /etc/rc5.d when I have 2G of ram...
> Eric is a bit sadistic with sysctls. If sysctl_check_table() fails
> irda_sysctl_register() will think there is no memory.

Ahh.. overloading a failure code. OK, I can deal with that...

> As for unknown symbols, hell knows. Same as with multiple syscts errors.
> What have you modprobed exactly and what is $(grep IRDA .config) ?

>From the .config ("turn them all on and see what sticks" here)


# IrDA protocols

# IrDA options

# Infrared-port device drivers

# SIR device drivers

On my doesn't-complain -rc2-mm1 kernel:

% lsmod | grep -i ir
irnet                  21409  0 
ppp_generic            22177  1 irnet
irtty_sir               8321  0 
sir_dev                14473  1 irtty_sir
ircomm_tty             35345  0 
ircomm                 20425  1 ircomm_tty
irda                  188973  5 irnet,irtty_sir,sir_dev,ircomm_tty,ircomm
crc_ccitt               2817  1 irda

My guess is that irda fails to insmod because of the sysctl errors, so when
the other ir* modules try to load, they come up empty on symbols that irda

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