Re: [PATCH] PCMCIA identification strings for Elan -- second attempt

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I can't find an actual device, and my former boss
left Elan a few months ago, but I have attached
the data from our product database:

cis configuration file: 
;* Filename:        sl432.txt
;* Author:          P. Sleeman        Elan Digital Systems Limited  (c) 2003
;* Date:            19/05/2003
;* Description:     This file defines the CIS for the SL432 PC Card
;* File Revision:   1.01
;* History:         Rev.     Date           Revision History
;*                  1.00     19/05/2003     Creation

$01 $03 $00 $00 $FF
$15 $3A $05 $00 [Elan] $00 [Serial Port: SL432] $00 [1.00] $00 [KIT:Kxxxxx-xxx           ] $00 $FF 
$20 $04 $5D $01 [EL]
$06 $15 $04 $00 $60 $00 $00 $00 $00 $B0 $00 $00 $00 $00 $00 $01 $00 $00 $00 $60 $01 $00 $00 ;long link MFC, 4 functions

%60 ;pad to here with 0xffs.  Start of function 1's CIS

$13 $03 [CIS] ;link target tuple
$21 $02 $02 $01   ;identify as a serial port
$1A $05 $01 $27 $00 $04 $61 ;2 byte config base,1 byte ccr presence mask, last table index is 27h, 400h base, cor, csr, iobase0&1 present

;$1B $0D $C7 $01 $19 $01 $55 $AB $60 $F8 $03 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com1 default settings: 5V, 3f8, IRQ share lvl & an IRQ mask = irq any
;$1B $0B $8F $01 $18         $AB $60 $F8 $02 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com2 2f8 irq any
;$1B $0B $97 $01 $18         $AB $60 $E8 $03 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com3 3E8 irq any
;$1B $0B $9F $01 $18         $AB $60 $E8 $02 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com4 2E8 irq any
$1B $07 $A7 $01 $18         $23                 $B0 $FF $FF     ;comN any io on 8 byte boundary, lvl irq any in mask ffff
$FF ;end of this function's CIS

%B0 ;pad to here with 0xffs.  Start of function 2's CIS

$13 $03 [CIS] ;link target tuple
$21 $02 $02 $01   ;identify as a serial port
$1A $05 $01 $27 $20 $04 $61 ;2 byte config base,1 byte ccr presence mask, last table index is 27h, 420h base, cor, csr, iobase0&1 present

;$1B $0D $CF $01 $19 $01 $55 $AB $60 $F8 $02 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com2 default settings: 5V, 2f8, IRQ share lvl & an IRQ mask = irq any
;$1B $0B $87 $01 $18         $AB $60 $F8 $03 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com1 3f8 irq any
;$1B $0B $9F $01 $18         $AB $60 $E8 $02 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com4 2e8 irq any
;$1B $0B $97 $01 $18         $AB $60 $E8 $03 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com3 3e8 irq any
$1B $07 $A7 $01 $18         $23                 $B0 $FF $FF     ;comN any io on 8 byte boundary, lvl irq any in mask ffff
$FF ;end of this function's CIS

%100 ;pad to here with 0xffs.  Start of function 3's CIS

$13 $03 [CIS] ;link target tuple
$21 $02 $02 $01   ;identify as a serial port
$1A $05 $01 $27 $40 $04 $61 ;2 byte config base,1 byte ccr presence mask, last table index is 27h, 400h base, cor, csr, iobase0&1 present

;$1B $0D $D7 $01 $19 $01 $55 $AB $60 $E8 $03 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com3 3E8 irq any
;$1B $0B $9F $01 $18         $AB $60 $E8 $02 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com4 2E8 irq any
;$1B $0B $87 $01 $18         $AB $60 $F8 $03 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com1 default settings: 5V, 3f8, IRQ share lvl & an IRQ mask = irq any
;$1B $0B $8F $01 $18         $AB $60 $F8 $02 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com2 2f8 irq any
$1B $07 $A7 $01 $18         $23                 $B0 $FF $FF     ;comN any io on 8 byte boundary, lvl irq any in mask ffff
$FF ;end of this function's CIS

%160 ;pad to here with 0xffs.  Start of function 4's CIS

$13 $03 [CIS] ;link target tuple
$21 $02 $02 $01   ;identify as a serial port
$1A $05 $01 $27 $60 $04 $61 ;2 byte config base,1 byte ccr presence mask, last table index is 27h, 400h base, cor, csr, iobase0&1 present

;$1B $0D $DF $01 $19 $01 $55 $AB $60 $E8 $02 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com4 2E8 irq any
;$1B $0B $97 $01 $18         $AB $60 $E8 $03 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com3 3E8 irq any
;$1B $0B $87 $01 $18         $AB $60 $F8 $03 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com1 default settings: 5V, 3f8, IRQ share lvl & an IRQ mask = irq any
;$1B $0B $8F $01 $18         $AB $60 $F8 $02 $07 $B0 $FF $FF     ;com2 2f8 irq any
$1B $07 $A7 $01 $18         $23                 $B0 $FF $FF     ;comN any io on 8 byte boundary, lvl irq any in mask ffff
$FF ;end of this function's CIS


$80 $11 [<DATE>] $00 
$81 $2E [Copyright (c) Elan Digital Systems Ltd, 2003.] $00 

%200  ;make the file 512 bytes long

the binary cis: 

Attachment: SL432.CIS
Description: Binary data

the dump_cis_output: 

Attachment: SL432.DUMP_CIS
Description: Binary data

Tony Olech
Elan Digital Systems Limited
On 21 Nov 2006, at 13:28, Dominik Brodowski wrote:

On Tue, Nov 21, 2006 at 08:53:22AM +0000, Tony Olech wrote:
YES is does indeed have 4 serial channels.
Four serial channels might be handled by two device functions...  
and it's
the number of device function which decides whether it is a "MFC"  
device or
not. And if it indeed has four sub-devices, the PCMCIA core needs  
to be
improved -- therefore, could you send me a CIS dump for this  
device, please?

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