Re: [PATCH 12/20] x86_64: wakeup.S Misc cleanup

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On Sat, Nov 18, 2006 at 01:19:07AM +0100, Pavel Machek wrote:
> Hi!
> > o Various cleanups. One of the main purpose of cleanups is that make
> >   wakeup.S as close as possible to trampoline.S.
> >
> > o Following are the changes
> > 	- Indentations for comments.
> > 	- Changed the gdt table to compact form and to resemble the
> > 	  one in trampoline.S
> > 	- Take the jump to 32bit from real mode using ljmpl. Makes code
> > 	  more readable.
> > 	- After enabling long mode, directly take a long jump for 64bit
> > 	  mode. No need to take an extra jump to "reach_comaptibility_mode"
> > 	- Stack is not used after real mode. So don't load stack in
> >  	  32 bit mode.
> > 	- No need to enable PGE here.
> > 	- No need to do extra EFER read, anyway we trash the read contents.
> > 	- No need to enable system call (EFER_SCE). Anyway it will be
> > 	  enabled when original EFER is restored.
> > 	- No need to set MP, ET, NE, WP, AM bits in cr0. Very soon we will
> >   	  reload the original cr0 while restroing the processor state.
> >
> > Signed-off-by: Eric W. Biederman <>
> > Signed-off-by: Vivek Goyal <>
> ACK, minor nitpicks:
> > +	/* ??? Why I need the accessed bit set in order for this to work? */
> Yes, I'd like to know :-).

I don't know. :-( May be it is present because in original code also
it is present. I just changed it from 9b00 to 9a00 for __KERNEL32_CS
and __KERNEL_CS to mark the entry unaccessed and it works fine for me.

Eric, any thoughts on this. ? 

> > +	.quad   0x00cf9b000000ffff              # __KERNEL32_CS
> > +	.quad   0x00af9b000000ffff              # __KERNEL_CS
> > +	.quad   0x00cf93000000ffff              # __KERNEL_DS
> Can we get a comment telling us what to keep it in sync with?

Ok. Just added a line mentioning that keep it in sync with trampoline.S

Please find attached the revised patch.


o Various cleanups. One of the main purpose of cleanups is that make
  wakeup.S as close as possible to trampoline.S.

o Following are the changes
	- Indentations for comments.
	- Changed the gdt table to compact form and to resemble the
	  one in trampoline.S
	- Take the jump to 32bit from real mode using ljmpl. Makes code
	  more readable.
	- After enabling long mode, directly take a long jump for 64bit
	  mode. No need to take an extra jump to "reach_comaptibility_mode"
	- Stack is not used after real mode. So don't load stack in
 	  32 bit mode.
	- No need to enable PGE here.
	- No need to do extra EFER read, anyway we trash the read contents.
	- No need to enable system call (EFER_SCE). Anyway it will be 
	  enabled when original EFER is restored.
	- No need to set MP, ET, NE, WP, AM bits in cr0. Very soon we will
  	  reload the original cr0 while restroing the processor state.

Signed-off-by: Vivek Goyal <>

 arch/x86_64/kernel/acpi/wakeup.S |  112 +++++++++++++--------------------------
 1 file changed, 40 insertions(+), 72 deletions(-)

diff -puN arch/x86_64/kernel/acpi/wakeup.S~x86_64-wakeup.S-misc-cleanups arch/x86_64/kernel/acpi/wakeup.S
--- linux-2.6.19-rc5-git2-reloc/arch/x86_64/kernel/acpi/wakeup.S~x86_64-wakeup.S-misc-cleanups	2006-11-17 00:29:30.000000000 -0500
+++ linux-2.6.19-rc5-git2-reloc-root/arch/x86_64/kernel/acpi/wakeup.S	2006-11-17 10:01:10.000000000 -0500
@@ -30,11 +30,12 @@ wakeup_code:
 	# setup data segment
 	movw	%cs, %ax
-	movw	%ax, %ds					# Make ds:0 point to wakeup_start
+	movw	%ax, %ds		# Make ds:0 point to wakeup_start
 	movw	%ax, %ss
-	mov	$(wakeup_stack - wakeup_code), %sp		# Private stack is needed for ASUS board
+					# Private stack is needed for ASUS board
+	mov	$(wakeup_stack - wakeup_code), %sp
-	pushl	$0						# Kill any dangerous flags
+	pushl	$0			# Kill any dangerous flags
 	movl	real_magic - wakeup_code, %eax
@@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ wakeup_code:
 	jz	1f
 	lcall   $0xc000,$3
 	movw	%cs, %ax
-	movw	%ax, %ds					# Bios might have played with that
+	movw	%ax, %ds		# Bios might have played with that
 	movw	%ax, %ss
@@ -75,9 +76,12 @@ wakeup_code:
 	jmp	1f
-	.byte 0x66, 0xea			# prefix + jmpi-opcode
-	.long	wakeup_32 - __START_KERNEL_map
-	.word	__KERNEL_CS
+	ljmpl   *(wakeup_32_vector - wakeup_code)
+	.balign 4
+	.long   wakeup_32 - __START_KERNEL_map
+	.word   __KERNEL32_CS, 0
@@ -96,65 +100,50 @@ wakeup_32:
 	jnc	bogus_cpu
 	movl	%edx,%edi
-	movw	$__KERNEL_DS, %ax
-	movw	%ax, %ds
-	movw	%ax, %es
-	movw	%ax, %fs
-	movw	%ax, %gs
+	movl	$__KERNEL_DS, %eax
+	movl	%eax, %ds
-	movw	$__KERNEL_DS, %ax	
-	movw	%ax, %ss
-	mov	$(wakeup_stack - __START_KERNEL_map), %esp
 	movl	saved_magic - __START_KERNEL_map, %eax
 	cmpl	$0x9abcdef0, %eax
 	jne	bogus_32_magic
+	movw	$0x0e00 + 'i', %ds:(0xb8012)
+	movb	$0xa8, %al	;  outb %al, $0x80;
 	 * Prepare for entering 64bits mode
-	/* Enable PAE mode and PGE */
+	/* Enable PAE */
 	xorl	%eax, %eax
 	btsl	$5, %eax
-	btsl	$7, %eax
 	movl	%eax, %cr4
 	/* Setup early boot stage 4 level pagetables */
 	movl	$(wakeup_level4_pgt - __START_KERNEL_map), %eax
 	movl	%eax, %cr3
-	/* Setup EFER (Extended Feature Enable Register) */
-	movl	$MSR_EFER, %ecx
-	rdmsr
-	/* Fool rdmsr and reset %eax to avoid dependences */
-	xorl	%eax, %eax
 	/* Enable Long Mode */
+	xorl    %eax, %eax
 	btsl	$_EFER_LME, %eax
-	/* Enable System Call */
-	btsl	$_EFER_SCE, %eax
-	/* No Execute supported? */	
+	/* No Execute supported? */
 	btl	$20,%edi
 	jnc     1f
 	btsl	$_EFER_NX, %eax
 	/* Make changes effective */
+1:	movl    $MSR_EFER, %ecx
+	xorl    %edx, %edx
-	wbinvd
 	xorl	%eax, %eax
 	btsl	$31, %eax			/* Enable paging and in turn activate Long Mode */
 	btsl	$0, %eax			/* Enable protected mode */
-	btsl	$1, %eax			/* Enable MP */
-	btsl	$4, %eax			/* Enable ET */
-	btsl	$5, %eax			/* Enable NE */
-	btsl	$16, %eax			/* Enable WP */
-	btsl	$18, %eax			/* Enable AM */
 	/* Make changes effective */
 	movl	%eax, %cr0
 	/* At this point:
 		CR4.PAE must be 1
 		CS.L must be 0
@@ -162,11 +151,6 @@ wakeup_32:
 		Next instruction must be a branch
 		This must be on identity-mapped page
-	jmp	reach_compatibility_mode
-	movw	$0x0e00 + 'i', %ds:(0xb8012)
-	movb	$0xa8, %al	;  outb %al, $0x80; 	
 	 * At this point we're in long mode but in 32bit compatibility mode
 	 * with EFER.LME = 1, CS.L = 0, CS.D = 1 (and in turn
@@ -174,24 +158,19 @@ reach_compatibility_mode:
 	 * the new gdt/idt that has __KERNEL_CS with CS.L = 1.
-	movw	$0x0e00 + 'n', %ds:(0xb8014)
-	movb	$0xa9, %al	;  outb %al, $0x80
-	/* Load new GDT with the 64bit segment using 32bit descriptor */
-	movl	$(pGDT32 - __START_KERNEL_map), %eax
-	lgdt	(%eax)
-	movl    $(wakeup_jumpvector - __START_KERNEL_map), %eax
 	/* Finally jump in 64bit mode */
-	ljmp	*(%eax)
+	ljmp	*(wakeup_long64_vector - __START_KERNEL_map)
-	.long	wakeup_long64 - __START_KERNEL_map
-	.word	__KERNEL_CS
+	.balign 4
+	.long   wakeup_long64 - __START_KERNEL_map
+	.word   __KERNEL_CS, 0
-	/*	Hooray, we are in Long 64-bit mode (but still running in low memory) */
+	/* Hooray, we are in Long 64-bit mode (but still running in
+	 * low memory)
+	 */
 	 * We must switch to a new descriptor in kernel space for the GDT
@@ -201,6 +180,9 @@ wakeup_long64:
 	lgdt	cpu_gdt_descr - __START_KERNEL_map
+	movw	$0x0e00 + 'n', %ds:(0xb8014)
+	movb	$0xa9, %al	;  outb %al, $0x80
 	movw	$0x0e00 + 'u', %ds:(0xb8016)
@@ -227,33 +209,19 @@ wakeup_long64:
 	.align	64	
+	/* Good to keep gdt in sync with the one in trampoline.S */
 	.word	0, 0, 0, 0			# dummy
-	.word	0, 0, 0, 0			# unused
-	.word	0xFFFF				# 4Gb - (0x100000*0x1000 = 4Gb)
-	.word	0				# base address = 0
-	.word	0x9B00				# code read/exec. ??? Why I need 0x9B00 (as opposed to 0x9A00 in order for this to work?)
-	.word	0x00CF				# granularity = 4096, 386
-						#  (+5th nibble of limit)
-	.word	0xFFFF				# 4Gb - (0x100000*0x1000 = 4Gb)
-	.word	0				# base address = 0
-	.word	0x9200				# data read/write
-	.word	0x00CF				# granularity = 4096, 386
-						#  (+5th nibble of limit)
-# this is 64bit descriptor for code
-	.word	0xFFFF
-	.word	0
-	.word	0x9A00				# code read/exec
-	.word	0x00AF				# as above, but it is long mode and with D=0
+	/* ??? Why I need the accessed bit set in order for this to work? */
+	.quad   0x00cf9b000000ffff              # __KERNEL32_CS
+	.quad   0x00af9b000000ffff              # __KERNEL_CS
+	.quad   0x00cf93000000ffff              # __KERNEL_DS
 	.word	0				# idt limit = 0
 	.word	0, 0				# idt base = 0L
-	.word	0x8000				# gdt limit=2048,
+	.word	0x800				# gdt limit=2048,
 						#  256 GDT entries
 	.word	0, 0				# gdt base (filled in later)
@@ -263,7 +231,7 @@ video_mode:	.quad 0
 video_flags:	.quad 0
-	movb	$0xba,%al	;  outb %al,$0x80		
+	movb	$0xba,%al	;  outb %al,$0x80
 	jmp bogus_real_magic
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