On Wed, May 24, 2006 at 09:32:20AM -0400, Steve Clark wrote:
> Hello,
> I realize this is uClinux - but I received no response from the
> uclinux-devel list so I am
> posting here in the hope that someone will be kind enough to at least
> give me a
> direction in which to proceed in trying to track down this panic. It
> only seems to
> happen under heavy traffic - especially outbound, in other words
> ethernet to modem to internet.
> I am having trouble with cnxtserial.c causing a panic on an actiontec
> dualpc
> modem. I've looked at the code but can't figure out how I can be
> getting a null pointer. I have very
> limited experience working in the kernel so if anyone can give
> somethings to try I would appreciate
> it. Below is the output from ksymoops of the panic.
Could you please inform us about :
- the architecture (not obvious from the dump)
- the *exact* kernel version. uclinux and 2.4.32 are not enough. I
would guess 2.4.32-uc0, but I'm not sure that it's the only one.
Also, if you have other patches applied, please point to them.
- a list of the loaded modules and the .config
- how often it happens (every minutes, hours, days, weeks, ...) and
if you know an easy way to reproduce it (you only mentionned that
it *only* seems to happen in the circumstances above, but not if
it's guaranteed).
Of course, this will not guarantee that anybody will reply nor find
the bug, but right now, it might discourage many people from searching.
> Thanks,
> Steve
> ksymoops 2.4.11 on i686 2.6.16-1.2122_FC5. Options used
> -v /home/sclark/actiontec/linux-2.4.32/vmlinux (specified)
> -K (specified)
> -L (specified)
> -O (specified)
> -m ../System.map (specified)
> -t elf32-littlearm -a armnommu
> # Unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at virtual address
> 0000003f
> Internal error: Oops: ffffffff
> CPU: 0
> pc : [<0090e5fc>] lr : [<008727cc>] Not tainted
> sp : 0098bc14 ip : 7e17685d fp : 0098bc38
> r10: 00a10000 r9 : 173706d5 r8 : 800e000a
> r7 : 08010100 r6 : 00dc08d0 r5 : 24108090 r4 : c914d625
> r3 : 6c9c0a91 r2 : 00000018 r1 : 009922b8 r0 : c3400038
> Flags: nzCv IRQs off FIQs on Mode SVC_32 Segment user
> Control: C000107D
> Process ksoftirqd_CPU0 (pid: 3, stackpage=0098b000)
> 0098bc00: 008727cc 0090e5fc 20000093 ffffffff 00000038
> 00000000 00992
> 0098bc20: 00000038 00956228 20000013 0098bc6c 0098bc3c 008727cc
> 0090e3b0 00000
> 0098bc40: 00000000 00992200 00000038 0099221c 0094ce68 00000000
> 00000001 00a10
> 0098bc60: 0098bc98 0098bc70 008820e0 00872694 00992200 00a29760
> 00a29760 00994
> 0098bc80: 00000034 00000000 009ea9e2 0098bcb0 0098bc9c 00882004
> 00882024 00994
> 0098bca0: 00000000 0098bcc8 0098bcb4 008794f4 00881fd4 0000002f
> 00a29760 0098b
> 0098bcc0: 0098bccc 008793c0 00879434 0098bcd4 00000001 009ea9e2
> 00994d64 00994
> 0098bce0: 00000000 0094ce68 00994d60 00000000 0098bd1c 0098bd00
> 00878e04 00878
> 0098bd00: 00a24080 009edec0 009edec0 00992400 0098bd44 0098bd20
> 00878b60 00878
> 0098bd20: 00a24080 00992400 009edec0 00000000 008b7744 00000002
> 0098bd60 0098b
> 0098bd40: 008a9c74 0087891c 0094ce68 0094ce60 00992400 0098bd80
> 0098bd64 0089e
> 0098bd60: 008a9c1c 00000001 009edec0 00000000 00000000 0098bd9c
> 0098bd84 008b7
> 0098bd80: 0089ea64 00000001 00000004 00992400 0098bde0 0098bda0
> 008a8fec 008b7
> 0098bda0: 00992400 0098bdb0 008b7744 80000000 00964ac0 009edec0
> 009edec0 009ed
> 0098bdc0: 00992400 0093ded4 008b4204 00000000 00000002 0098be08
> 0098bde4 008b5
> 0098bde0: 008a8ea4 00992400 008b7744 80000000 009edec0 00000002
> 00992400 0098b
> 0098be00: 0098be0c 008b4258 008b5730 00000001 0098be60 0098be20
> 008a8fec 008b4
> 0098be20: 00992400 0098be30 008b4204 80000000 00964ab0 009edec0
> 009edef0 009ed
> 0098be40: 000005f4 00992400 008b29e0 00000000 00000002 0098be8c
> 0098be64 008b4
> 0098be60: 008a8ea4 00992400 008b4204 80000000 00a243a0 0093ded4
> 009edec0 0093d
> 0098be80: 0098bebc 0098be90 008b2c08 008b3f38 0093ded4 00000005
> 00000000 00000
> 0098bea0: 0093ded4 00000001 00000000 00000000 0098bf00 0098bec0
> 008a8fec 008b2
> 0098bec0: 00000000 0098bed0 008b29e0 80000000 00964aa0 009edec0
> 00000005 009ed
> 0098bee0: 009edec0 00965500 0093ded4 00036356 009381a0 0098bf38
> 0098bf04 008b2
> 0098bf00: 008a8ea4 00000000 008b29e0 80000000 009edec0 0093fc1c
> 009edec0 00000
> 0098bf20: 00000008 00000001 0098bf88 0098bf54 0098bf3c 0089f54c
> 008b2284 0093d
> 0098bf40: 009381cc 009381ac 0098bf84 0098bf58 0089f65c 0089f2ec
> 00000040 00938
> 0098bf60: 009381cc 009381a0 009381bc 00036356 60000013 0094d224
> 0098bfb0 0098b
> 0098bf80: 0089f7dc 0089f5c4 0000012c 00938090 00000003 fffffff2
> 0094ce60 00000
> 0098bfa0: 00938080 0098bfdc 0098bfb4 0081e090 0089f754 0098a000
> 0098a000 0098a
> 0098bfc0: 0094ce60 00938d48 41029402 0080ae58 0098bffc 0098bfe0
> 0081e70c 0081d
> 0098bfe0: 00000000 0097e000 0081e674 00945730 00000000 0098c000
> 00810f28 0081e
> Backtrace:
> Function entered at [<0090e3a0>] from [<008727cc>]
> r9 = 20000013 r8 = 00956228 r7 = 00000038 r6 = 009922A0
> r5 = 00000000 r4 = 00000038
> Function entered at [<00872684>] from [<008820e0>]
> Function entered at [<00882014>] from [<00882004>]
> Function entered at [<00881fc4>] from [<008794f4>]
> r5 = 00000000 r4 = 00994D60
> Function entered at [<00879424>] from [<008793c0>]
> r5 = 00A29760 r4 = 0000002F
> Function entered at [<00878ebc>] from [<00878e04>]
> Function entered at [<00878d60>] from [<00878b60>]
> r7 = 00992400 r6 = 009EDEC0 r5 = 009EDEC0 r4 = 00A24080
> Function entered at [<0087890c>] from [<008a9c74>]
> Function entered at [<008a9c0c>] from [<0089ebf0>]
> r6 = 00992400 r5 = 0094CE60 r4 = 0094CE68
> Function entered at [<0089ea54>] from [<008b781c>]
> r7 = 00000000 r6 = 00000000 r5 = 009EDEC0 r4 = 00000001
> Function entered at [<008b7744>] from [<008a8fec>]
> r6 = 00992400 r5 = 00000004 r4 = 00000001
> Function entered at [<008a8e94>] from [<008b58cc>]
> Function entered at [<008b5720>] from [<008b4258>]
> r6 = 00992400 r5 = 00000002 r4 = 009EDEC0
> Function entered at [<008b4204>] from [<008a8fec>]
> r4 = 00000001
> Function entered at [<008a8e94>] from [<008b413c>]
> Function entered at [<008b3f28>] from [<008b2c08>]
> r7 = 0093DED4 r6 = 009EDEC0 r5 = 0093DED4 r4 = 00A243A0
> Function entered at [<008b29e0>] from [<008a8fec>]
> r6 = 00000000 r5 = 00000000 r4 = 00000001
> Function entered at [<008a8e94>] from [<008b2768>]
> Function entered at [<008b2274>] from [<0089f54c>]
> r8 = 0098BF88 r7 = 00000001 r6 = 00000008 r5 = 00000000
> r4 = 009EDEC0
> Function entered at [<0089f2dc>] from [<0089f65c>]
> r6 = 009381AC r5 = 009381CC r4 = 0093DED4
> Function entered at [<0089f5b4>] from [<0089f7dc>]
> Function entered at [<0089f744>] from [<0081e090>]
> Function entered at [<0081dfd8>] from [<0081e70c>]
> Function entered at [<0081e674>] from [<00810f28>]
> r7 = 00945730 r6 = 0081E674 r5 = 0097E000 r4 = 00000000
> Code: ba000003 e93113f8 (e92013f8) e2522020 aafffffb
> Error (Oops_bfd_perror): /tmp/ksymoops.BYmaYB Invalid bfd target
> >>LR; 008727cc <rs_write+148/294>
> >>PC; 0090e5fc <memmove+25c/460> <=====
> Trace; 0090e3a0 <memcpy+0/0>
> Trace; 008727cc <rs_write+148/294>
> >>r8; 00956228 <tmp_buf+0/1000>
> Trace; 00872684 <rs_write+0/294>
> Trace; 008820e0 <ppp_async_push+cc/230>
> Trace; 00882014 <ppp_async_push+0/230>
> Trace; 00882004 <ppp_async_send+40/50>
> Trace; 00881fc4 <ppp_async_send+0/50>
> Trace; 008794f4 <ppp_push+d0/1b8>
> Trace; 00879424 <ppp_push+0/1b8>
> Trace; 008793c0 <ppp_send_frame+504/568>
> Trace; 00878ebc <ppp_send_frame+0/568>
> Trace; 00878e04 <ppp_xmit_process+a4/15c>
> Trace; 00878d60 <ppp_xmit_process+0/15c>
> Trace; 00878b60 <ppp_start_xmit+254/2c8>
> Trace; 0087890c <ppp_start_xmit+0/2c8>
> Trace; 008a9c74 <.gcc2_compiled.+68/100>
> Trace; 008a9c0c <qdisc_restart+0/0>
> Trace; 0089ebf0 <dev_queue_xmit+19c/3b0>
> >>r5; 0094ce60 <irq_stat+0/20>
> >>r4; 0094ce68 <irq_stat+8/20>
> Trace; 0089ea54 <dev_queue_xmit+0/3b0>
> Trace; 008b781c <ip_finish_output2+d8/150>
> Trace; 008b7744 <ip_finish_output2+0/150>
> Trace; 008a8fec <nf_hook_slow+158/1f0>
> Trace; 008a8e94 <nf_hook_slow+0/1f0>
> Trace; 008b58cc <ip_finish_output+1ac/1b8>
> Trace; 008b5720 <ip_finish_output+0/1b8>
> Trace; 008b4258 <ip_forward_finish+54/98>
> Trace; 008b4204 <ip_forward_finish+0/98>
> Trace; 008a8fec <nf_hook_slow+158/1f0>
> Trace; 008a8e94 <nf_hook_slow+0/1f0>
> Trace; 008b413c <.gcc2_compiled.+214/2dc>
> Trace; 008b3f28 <ip_forward+0/0>
> Trace; 008b2c08 <ip_rcv_finish+228/29c>
> >>r7; 0093ded4 <eth0_dev+0/164>
> >>r5; 0093ded4 <eth0_dev+0/164>
> Trace; 008b29e0 <ip_rcv_finish+0/29c>
> Trace; 008a8fec <nf_hook_slow+158/1f0>
> Trace; 008a8e94 <nf_hook_slow+0/1f0>
> Trace; 008b2768 <ip_rcv+4f4/568>
> Trace; 008b2274 <ip_rcv+0/568>
> Trace; 0089f54c <netif_receive_skb+270/2d8>
> Trace; 0089f2dc <netif_receive_skb+0/2d8>
> Trace; 0089f65c <process_backlog+a8/190>
> >>r6; 009381ac <softnet_data+c/1a0>
> >>r5; 009381cc <softnet_data+2c/1a0>
> >>r4; 0093ded4 <eth0_dev+0/164>
> Trace; 0089f5b4 <process_backlog+0/190>
> Trace; 0089f7dc <net_rx_action+98/1bc>
> Trace; 0089f744 <net_rx_action+0/1bc>
> Trace; 0081e090 <__do_softirq+b8/15c>
> Trace; 0081dfd8 <.gcc2_compiled.+0/0>
> Trace; 0081e70c <ksoftirqd+98/cc>
> Trace; 0081e674 <ksoftirqd+0/cc>
> Trace; 00810f28 <arch_kernel_thread+38/44>
> >>r7; 00945730 <__machine_arch_type+0/4>
> >>r6; 0081e674 <ksoftirqd+0/cc>
> Kernel panic: Aiee, killing interrupt handler
> 1 error issued. Results may not be reliable.
> -
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