VMI Interface Proposal Documentation for I386, Part 5

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Appendix A - VMI ROM Low Level ABI

  OS writers intending to port their OS to the paravirtualizable x86
  processor being modeled by this hypervisor need to access the
  hypervisor through the VMI layer. It is possible although it is
  currently unimplemented to add or replace the functionality of
  individual hypervisor calls by providing your own ROM images. This is
  intended to allow third party customizations.
VMI compatible ROMs user the signature "cVmi" in the hyperSignature
  field of the ROM header.

  Many of these calls are compatible with the SVR4 C call ABI, using up
  to three register arguments.   Some calls are not, due to restrictions
  of the native instruction set.  Calls which diverge from this ABI are
  noted.  In GNU terms, this means most of the calls are compatible with
  regparm(3) argument passing.

  Most of these calls behave as standard C functions, and as such, may
  clobber registers EAX, EDX, ECX, flags.  Memory clobbers are noted
  explicitly, since many of them may be inlined without a memory clobber.

  Most of these calls require well defined segment conventions - that is,
  flat full size 32-bit segments for all the general segments, CS, SS, DS,
  ES.  Exceptions in some cases are noted.

  The net result of these choices is that most of the calls are very
  easy to make from C-code, and calls that are likely to be required in
  low level trap handling code are easy to call from assembler.   Most
  of these calls are also very easily implemented by the hypervisor
  vendor in C code, and only the performance critical calls from
  assembler paths require custom assembly implementations.

This set of calls provides the base functionality to establish running
   the kernel in VMI mode.

   The interface will be expanded to include feature negotiation, more
   explicit control over call bundling and flushing, and hypervisor
   notifications to allow inline code patching.

VMICALL void VMI_Init(void);

      Initializes the hypervisor environment.  Returns zero on success,
      or -1 if the hypervisor could not be initialized.  Note that this
      is a recoverable error if the guest provides the requisite native
      code to support transparent paravirtualization.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     EAX = result
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


   This set of calls controls the online status of the processor.  It
   include interrupt control, reboot, halt, and shutdown functionality.
   Future expansions may include deep sleep and hotplug CPU capabilities.


      VMICALL void VMI_DisableInterrupts(void);

      Disable maskable interrupts on the processor.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Flags only
      Segments:    As this is both performance critical and likely to
         be called from low level interrupt code, this call does not
         require flat DS/ES segments, but uses the stack segment for
         data access.  Therefore only CS/SS must be well defined.


      VMICALL void VMI_EnableInterrupts(void);

      Enable maskable interrupts on the processor.  Note that the
      current implementation always will deliver any pending interrupts
      on a call which enables interrupts, for compatibility with kernel
      code which expects this behavior.  Whether this should be required
      is open for debate.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Flags only
      Segments:    CS/SS only


      VMICALL VMI_UINT VMI_GetInterruptMask(void);

      Returns the current interrupt state mask of the processor.  The
      mask is defined to be 0x200 (matching processor flag IF) to indicate
      interrupts are enabled.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     EAX = mask
      Clobbers:    Flags only
      Segments:    CS/SS only

VMICALL void VMI_SetInterruptMask(VMI_UINT mask);

      Set the current interrupt state mask of the processor.  Also
      delivers any pending interrupts if the mask is set to allow

      Inputs:      EAX = mask
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Flags only
      Segments:    CS/SS only

   VMI_DeliverInterrupts (For future debate)

      Enable and deliver any pending interrupts.  This would remove
      the implicit delivery semantic from the SetInterruptMask and
      EnableInterrupts calls.


      VMICALL void VMI_Pause(void);

      Pause the processor temporarily, to allow a hypertwin or remote
      CPU to continue operation without lock or cache contention.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_Halt(void);

      Put the processor into interruptible halt mode.  This is defined
      to be a non-running mode where maskable interrupts are enabled,
      not a deep low power sleep mode.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_Shutdown(void);

      Put the processor into non-interruptible halt mode.  This is defined
      to be a non-running mode where maskable interrupts are disabled,
      indicates a power-off event for this CPU.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_Reboot(VMI_INT how);

      Reboot the virtual machine, using a hard or soft reboot.  A soft
      reboot corresponds to the effects of an INIT IPI, and preserves
      some APIC and CR state.  A hard reboot corresponds to a hardware

      Inputs:      EAX = reboot mode
                     #define VMI_REBOOT_SOFT 0x0
                     #define VMI_REBOOT_HARD 0x1
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      void VMI_SetInitialAPState(APState *apState, VMI_UINT32 apicID);

Sets the initial state of the application processor with local APIC ID
      "apicID" to the state in apState.  apState must be the page-aligned
linear address of the APState structure describing the initial state of
      the specified application processor.

      Control register CR0 must have both PE and PG set;  the result of
      either of these bits being cleared is undefined.  It is recommended
      that for best performance, all processors in the system have the same
      setting of the CR4 PAE bit.  LME and LMA in EFER are both currently
unsupported. The result of setting either of these bits is undefined.

      Inputs:      EAX = pointer to APState structure for new co-processor
                   EDX = APIC ID of processor to initialize
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard



      VMICALL void VMI_SetGDT(VMI_DTR *gdtr);

      Load the global descriptor table limit and base registers.  In
      addition to the straightforward load of the hardware registers, this
has the additional side effect of reloading all segment registers in a
      virtual machine.  The reason is that otherwise, the hidden part of
      segment registers (the base field) may be put into a non-reversible
state. Non-reversible segments are problematic because they can not be
      reloaded - any subsequent loads of the segment will load the new
      descriptor state.  In general, is not possible to resume direct
      execution of the virtual machine if certain segments become
A load of the GDTR may cause the guest visible memory image of the GDT to be changed. This allows the hypervisor to share the GDT pages with the guest, but also continue to maintain appropriate protections on the
      GDT page by transparently adjusting the DPL and RPL of descriptors in
      the GDT.

      Inputs:      EAX = pointer to descriptor limit / base
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard, Memory
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_SetIDT(VMI_DTR *idtr);

Load the interrupt descriptor table limit and base registers. The IDT
      format is defined to be the same as native hardware.

A load of the IDTR may cause the guest visible memory image of the IDT to be changed. This allows the hypervisor to rewrite the IDT pages in
      a format more suitable to the hypervisor, which may include adjusting
      the DPL and RPL of descriptors in the guest IDT.

      Inputs:      EAX = pointer to descriptor limit / base
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard, Memory
      Segments:    Standard



      Load the local descriptor table.  This has the additional side effect
      of of reloading all segment registers.  See VMI_SetGDT for an
      explanation of why this is required.  A load of the LDT may cause the
      guest visible memory image of the LDT to be changed, just as GDT and
      IDT loads.

      Inputs:      EAX = GDT selector of LDT descriptor
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard, Memory
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_SetTR(VMI_SELECTOR ldtSel);

      Load the task register.  Functionally equivalent to the LTR

      Inputs:      EAX = GDT selector of TR descriptor
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard, Memory
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_GetGDT(VMI_DTR *gdtr);

Copy the GDT limit and base fields into the provided pointer. This is
      equivalent to the SGDT instruction, which is non-virtualizable.
Inputs: EAX = pointer to descriptor limit / base
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard, Memory
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_GetIDT(VMI_DTR *idtr);

Copy the IDT limit and base fields into the provided pointer. This is
      equivalent to the SIDT instruction, which is non-virtualizable.
Inputs: EAX = pointer to descriptor limit / base
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard, Memory
      Segments:    Standard



      Load the task register.  Functionally equivalent to the SLDT
      instruction, which is non-virtualizable.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     EAX = selector of LDT descriptor
      Clobbers:    Standard, Memory
      Segments:    Standard



      Load the task register.  Functionally equivalent to the STR
      instruction, which is non-virtualizable.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     EAX = selector of TR descriptor
      Clobbers:    Standard, Memory
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_WriteGDTEntry(void *gdt, VMI_UINT entry,
                                     VMI_UINT32 descLo,
                                     VMI_UINT32 descHi);

Write a descriptor to a GDT entry. Note that writes to the GDT itself
      may be disallowed by the hypervisor, in which case this call must be
converted into a hypercall. In addition, since the descriptor may need to be modified to change limits and / or permissions, the guest kernel
      should not assume the update will be binary identical to the passed

      Inputs:      EAX   = pointer to GDT base
                   EDX   = GDT entry number
                   ECX   = descriptor low word
                   ST(1) = descriptor high word
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard, Memory
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_WriteLDTEntry(void *gdt, VMI_UINT entry,
                                     VMI_UINT32 descLo,
                                     VMI_UINT32 descHi);

Write a descriptor to a LDT entry. Note that writes to the LDT itself
      may be disallowed by the hypervisor, in which case this call must be
converted into a hypercall. In addition, since the descriptor may need to be modified to change limits and / or permissions, the guest kernel
      should not assume the update will be binary identical to the passed

      Inputs:      EAX   = pointer to LDT base
                   EDX   = LDT entry number
                   ECX   = descriptor low word
                   ST(1) = descriptor high word
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard, Memory
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_WriteIDTEntry(void *gdt, VMI_UINT entry,
                                     VMI_UINT32 descLo,
                                     VMI_UINT32 descHi);

Write a descriptor to a IDT entry. Since the descriptor may need to be modified to change limits and / or permissions, the guest kernel should
      not assume the update will be binary identical to the passed input.

      Inputs:      EAX   = pointer to IDT base
                   EDX   = IDT entry number
                   ECX   = descriptor low word
                   ST(1) = descriptor high word
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard, Memory
      Segments:    Standard


   These calls encapsulate the set of privileged instructions used to
   manipulate the CPU control state.  These instructions are all properly
   virtualizable using trap and emulate, but for performance reasons, a
   direct call may be more efficient.  With hardware virtualization
capabilities, many of these calls can be left as IDENT translations, that
   is, inline implementations of the native instructions, which are not
rewritten by the hypervisor. Some of these calls are performance critical
   during context switch paths, and some are not, but they are all included
   for completeness, with the exceptions of the obsoleted LMSW and SMSW


      VMICALL void VMI_WRMSR(VMI_UINT64 val, VMI_UINT32 reg);

Write to a model specific register. This functions identically to the
      hardware WRMSR instruction.  Note that a hypervisor may not implement
      the full set of MSRs supported by native hardware, since many of them
      are not useful in the context of a virtual machine.

      Inputs:      ECX = model specific register index
                   EAX = low word of register
                   EDX = high word of register
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard, Memory
      Segments:    Standard



Read from a model specific register. This functions identically to the
      hardware RDMSR instruction.  Note that a hypervisor may not implement
      the full set of MSRs supported by native hardware, since many of them
      are not useful in the context of a virtual machine.

      Inputs:      ECX = machine specific register index
      Outputs:     EAX = low word of register
                   EDX = high word of register
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_SetCR0(VMI_UINT val);

      Write to control register zero.  This can cause TLB flush and FPU
      handling side effects.  The set of features available to the kernel
      depend on the completeness of the hypervisor.  An explicit list of
supported functionality or required settings may need to be negotiated
      by the hypervisor and kernel during bootstrapping.  This is likely to
be implementation or vendor specific, and the precise restrictions are not yet worked out. Our implementation in general supports turning on additional functionality - enabling protected mode, paging, page write
      protections; however, once those features have been enabled, they may
      not be disabled on the virtual hardware.

      Inputs:      EAX = input to control register
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_SetCR2(VMI_UINT val);

      Write to control register two.  This has no side effects other than
      updating the CR2 register value.

      Inputs:      EAX = input to control register
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_SetCR3(VMI_UINT val);

Write to control register three. This causes a TLB flush on the local
      processor.  In addition, this update may be queued as part of a lazy
      call invocation, which allows multiple hypercalls to be issued during
      the context switch path.  The queuing convention is to be negotiated
      with the hypervisor during bootstrapping, but the interfaces for this
      negotiation are currently vendor specific.

      Inputs:      EAX = input to control register
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard
      Queue Class: MMU


      VMICALL void VMI_SetCR3(VMI_UINT val);

      Write to control register four.  This can cause TLB flush and many
      other CPU side effects.  The set of features available to the kernel
      depend on the completeness of the hypervisor.  An explicit list of
supported functionality or required settings may need to be negotiated
      by the hypervisor and kernel during bootstrapping.  This is likely to
be implementation or vendor specific, and the precise restrictions are not yet worked out. Our implementation in general supports turning on additional MMU functionality - enabling global pages, large pages, PAE
      mode, and other features - however, once those features have been
      enabled, they may not be disabled on the virtual hardware.  The
remaining CPU control bits of CR4 remain active and behave identically
      to real hardware.

      Inputs:      EAX = input to control register
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL VMI_UINT32 VMI_GetCR0(void);
      VMICALL VMI_UINT32 VMI_GetCR2(void);
      VMICALL VMI_UINT32 VMI_GetCR3(void);
      VMICALL VMI_UINT32 VMI_GetCR4(void);

      Read the value of a control register into EAX.  The register contents
      are identical to the native hardware control registers; CR0 contains
      the control bits and task switched flag, CR2 contains the last page
      fault address, CR3 contains the page directory base pointer, and CR4
      contains various feature control bits.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     EAX = value of control register
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_CLTS(void);

Used to clear the task switched (TS) flag in control register zero. A
      replacement for the CLTS instruction.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_SetDR(VMI_UINT32 num, VMI_UINT32 val);

      Set the debug register to the given value.  If a hypervisor
implementation supports debug registers, this functions equivalently to
      native hardware move to DR instructions.

      Inputs:      EAX = debug register number
                   EDX = debug register value
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard



      Read a debug register.  If debug registers are not supported, the
      implementation is free to return zero values.

      Inputs:      EAX = debug register number
      Outputs:     EAX = debug register value
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


   These calls provide access to processor identification, performance and
   cycle data, which may be inaccurate due to the nature of running on
virtual hardware. This information may be visible in a non-virtualizable
   way to applications running outside of the kernel.  As such, both RDTSC
   and RDPMC should be disabled by kernels or hypervisors where information
leakage is a concern, and the accuracy of data retrieved by these functions
   is up to the individual hypervisor vendor.


      /* Not expressible as a C function */

      The CPUID instruction provides processor feature identification in a
      vendor specific manner.  The instruction itself is non-virtualizable
      without hardware support, requiring a hypervisor assisted CPUID call
      that emulates the effect of the native instruction, while masking any
      unsupported CPU feature bits.

      Inputs:       EAX = CPUID number
                    ECX = sub-level query (nonstandard)
      Outputs:      EAX = CPUID dword 0
                    EBX = CPUID dword 1
                    ECX = CPUID dword 2
                    EDX = CPUID dword 3
      Clobbers:     Flags only
      Segments:     Standard



      The RDTSC instruction provides a cycles counter which may be made
visible to userspace. For better or worse, many applications have made use of this feature to implement userspace timers, database indices, or
      for micro-benchmarking of performance.  This instruction is extremely
problematic for virtualization, because even though it is selectively
      virtualizable using trap and emulate, it is much more expensive to
virtualize it in this fashion. On the other hand, if this instruction
      is allowed to execute without trapping, the cycle counter provided
      could be wrong in any number of circumstances due to hardware drift,
      migration, suspend/resume, CPU hotplug, and other unforeseen
      consequences of running inside of a virtual machine.  There is no
      standard specification for how this instruction operates when issued
      from userspace programs, but the VMI call here provides a proper
      interface for the kernel to read this cycle counter.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     EAX = low word of TSC cycle counter
                   EDX = high word of TSC cycle counter
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL VMI_UINT64 VMI_RDPMC(VMI_UINT64 dummy, VMI_UINT32 counter);

      Similar to RDTSC, this call provides the functionality of reading
      processor performance counters.  It also is selectively visible to
      userspace, and maintaining accurate data for the performance counters
      is an extremely difficult task due to the side effects introduced by
      the hypervisor.

      Inputs:      ECX = performance counter index
      Outputs:     EAX = low word of counter
                   EDX = high word of counter
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard

This set of calls encapsulates mechanisms required to transfer between
   higher privileged kernel tasks and userspace.  The stack switching and
   return mechanisms are also used to return from interrupt handlers into
   the kernel, which may involve atomic interrupt state and stack


      VMICALL void VMI_UpdateKernelStack(void *tss, VMI_UINT32 esp0);

      Inform the hypervisor that a new kernel stack pointer has been loaded
      in the TSS structure.  This new kernel stack pointer will be used for
      entry into the kernel on interrupts from userspace.

      Inputs:      EAX = pointer to TSS structure
                   EDX = new kernel stack top
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      /* No C prototype provided */

      Perform a near equivalent of the IRET instruction, which atomically
      switches off the current stack and restore the interrupt mask.  This
      may return to userspace or back to the kernel from an interrupt or
      exception handler.  The VMI_IRET call does not restore IOPL from the
      stack image, as the native hardware equivalent would.  Instead, IOPL
      must be explicitly restored using a VMI_SetIOPL call.  The VMI_IRET
      call does, however, restore the state of the EFLAGS_VM bit from the
      stack image in the event that the hypervisor and kernel both support
      V8086 execution mode.  If the hypervisor does not support V8086 mode,
      this can be silently ignored, generating an error that the guest must
      deal with.  Note this call is made using a CALL instruction, just as
      all other VMI calls, so the EIP of the call site is available to the
      VMI layer.  This allows faults during the sequence to be properly
      passed back to the guest kernel with the correct EIP.

Note that returning to userspace with interrupts disabled is an invalid operation in a paravirtualized kernel, and the results of an attempt to
      do so are undefined.

      Also note that when issuing the VMI_IRET call, the userspace data
      segments may have already been restored, so only the stack and code
      segments can be assumed valid.

      There is currently no support for IRET calls from a 16-bit stack
      segment, which poses a problem for supporting certain userspace
applications which make use of high bits of ESP on a 16-bit stack. How
      to best resolve this is an open question.  One possibility is to
introduce a new VMI call which can operate on 16-bit segments, since it
      is desirable to make the common case here as fast as possible.

      Inputs:      ST(0) = New EIP
                   ST(1) = New CS
                   ST(2) = New Flags (including interrupt mask)
                   ST(3) = New ESP (for userspace returns)
                   ST(4) = New SS (for userspace returns)
                   ST(5) = New ES (for v8086 returns)
                   ST(6) = New DS (for v8086 returns)
                   ST(7) = New FS (for v8086 returns)
                   ST(8) = New GS (for v8086 returns)
      Outputs:     None (does not return)
      Clobbers:    None (does not return)
      Segments:    CS / SS only


      /* No C prototype provided */

      For hypervisors and processors which support SYSENTER / SYSEXIT, the
      VMI_SYSEXIT call is provided as a binary equivalent to the native
      SYSENTER instruction.  Since interrupts must always be enabled in
userspace, the VMI version of this function always combines atomically
      enabling interrupts with the return to userspace.

      Inputs:      EDX = New EIP
                   ECX = New ESP
      Outputs:     None (does not return)
      Clobbers:    None (does not return)
      Segments:    CS / SS only


   This set of calls incorporates I/O related calls - PIO, setting I/O
   privilege level, and forcing memory writeback for device coherency.



      Input a byte, word, or doubleword from an I/O port.  These
      instructions have binary equivalent semantics to native instructions.

      Inputs:      EDX = port number
                     EDX, rather than EAX is used, because the native
                     encoding of the instruction may use this register
      Outputs:     EAX = port value
      Clobbers:    Memory only
      Segments:    Standard

      VMICALL void VMI_OUTW(VMI_UINT value, VMI_UINT port);
      VMICALL void VMI_OUTL(VMI_UINT value, VMI_UINT port);

      Output a byte, word, or doubleword to an I/O port.  These
      instructions have binary equivalent semantics to native instructions.

      Inputs:      EAX = port value
                   EDX = port number
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    None
      Segments:    Standard


      /* Not expressible as C functions */

Input a string of bytes, words, or doublewords from an I/O port. These
      instructions have binary equivalent semantics to native instructions.
      They do not follow a C calling convention, and clobber only the same
      registers as native instructions.

      Inputs:      EDI = destination address
                   EDX = port number
                   ECX = count
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    ESI, ECX, Memory
      Segments:    Standard


      /* Not expressible as C functions */

Output a string of bytes, words, or doublewords to an I/O port. These
      instructions have binary equivalent semantics to native instructions.
      They do not follow a C calling convention, and clobber only the same
      registers as native instructions.

      Inputs:      ESI = source address
                   EDX = port number
                   ECX = count
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    ESI, ECX
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_IODelay(void);

Delay the processor by time required to access a bus register. This is
      easily implemented on native hardware by an access to a bus scratch
      register, but is typically not useful in a virtual machine.  It is
paravirtualized to remove the overhead implied by executing the native

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_SetIOPLMask(VMI_UINT32 mask);

      Set the IOPL mask of the processor to allow userspace to access I/O
      ports.  Note the mask is pre-shifted, so an IOPL of 3 would be
      expressed as (3 << 12).  If the guest chooses to use IOPL to allow
      CPL-3 access to I/O ports, it must explicitly set and restore IOPL
      using these calls; attempting to set the IOPL flags with popf or iret
      may produce no result.

      Inputs:      EAX = Mask
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_WBINVD(void);

Write back and invalidate the data cache. This is used to synchronize
      I/O memory.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


This instruction is deprecated. It is invalid to execute in a virtual
      machine.  It is documented here only because it is still declared in
      the interface, and dropping it required a version change.


   APIC virtualization is currently quite simple.  These calls support the
   functionality of the hardware APIC in a form that allows for more
   efficient implementation in a hypervisor, by avoiding trapping access to
   APIC memory.  The calls are kept simple to make the implementation
   compatible with native hardware.  The APIC must be mapped at a page
   boundary in the processor virtual address space.

VMICALL void VMI_APICWrite(void *reg, VMI_UINT32 value);

      Write to a local APIC register.  Side effects are the same as native
      hardware APICs.

      Inputs:      EAX = APIC register address
                   EDX = value to write
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL VMI_UINT32 VMI_APICRead(void *reg);

      Read from a local APIC register.  Side effects are the same as native
      hardware APICs.

      Inputs:      EAX = APIC register address
      Outputs:     EAX = APIC register value
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


The VMI interfaces define a highly accurate and efficient timer interface
   that is available when running inside of a hypervisor.  This is an
optional but highly recommended feature which avoids many of the problems
   presented by classical timer virtualization.  It provides notions of
   stolen time, counters, and wall clock time which allows the VM to
   get the most accurate information in a way which is free of races and
   legacy hardware dependence.


      VMI_NANOSECS VMICALL VMI_GetWallclockTime(void);

      VMI_GetWallclockTime returns the current wallclock time as the number
      of nanoseconds since the epoch.  Nanosecond resolution along with the
64-bit unsigned type provide over 580 years from epoch until rollover.
      The wallclock time is relative to the host's wallclock time.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     EAX = low word, wallclock time in nanoseconds
                   EDX = high word, wallclock time in nanoseconds
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMI_BOOL     VMICALL VMI_WallclockUpdated(void);
VMI_WallclockUpdated returns TRUE if the wallclock time has changed
      relative to the real cycle counter since the previous time that
VMI_WallclockUpdated was polled. For example, while a VM is suspended,
      the real cycle counter will halt, but wallclock time will continue to
advance. Upon resuming the VM, the first call to VMI_WallclockUpdated
      will return TRUE.

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     EAX = 0 for FALSE, 1 for TRUE
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL VMI_CYCLES VMI_GetCycleFrequency(void);

VMI_GetCycleFrequency returns the number of cycles in one second. This value can be used by the guest to convert between cycles and other time

      Inputs:      None
      Outputs:     EAX = low word, cycle frequency
                   EDX = high word, cycle frequency
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL VMI_CYCLES VMI_GetCycleCounter(VMI_UINT32 whichCounter);

VMI_GetCycleCounter returns the current value, in cycles units, of the
      counter corresponding to 'whichCounter' if it is one of
      VMI_GetCycleCounter returns 0 for any other value of 'whichCounter'.

      Inputs:      EAX = counter index, one of
                       #define VMI_CYCLES_REAL        0
                       #define VMI_CYCLES_AVAILABLE   1
                       #define VMI_CYCLES_STOLEN      2
      Outputs:     EAX = low word, cycle counter
                   EDX = high word, cycle counter
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_SetAlarm(VMI_UINT32 flags, VMI_CYCLES expiry,
                                VMI_CYCLES period);

      VMI_SetAlarm is used to arm the vcpu's alarms.  The 'flags' parameter
is used to specify which counter's alarm is being set (VMI_CYCLES_REAL
      or VMI_CYCLES_AVAILABLE), how to deliver the alarm to the vcpu
      (VMI_ALARM_WIRED_IRQ0 or VMI_ALARM_WIRED_LVTT), and the mode
      (VMI_ALARM_IS_ONESHOT or VMI_ALARM_IS_PERIODIC).  If the alarm is set
      against the VMI_ALARM_STOLEN counter or an undefined counter number,
the call is a nop. The 'expiry' parameter indicates the expiry of the
      alarm, and for periodic alarms, the 'period' parameter indicates the
      period of the alarm.  If the value of 'period' is zero, the alarm is
armed as a one-shot alarm regardless of the mode specified by 'flags'.
      Finally, a call to VMI_SetAlarm for an alarm that is already armed is
      equivalent to first calling VMI_CancelAlarm and then calling
VMI_SetAlarm, except that the value returned by VMI_CancelAlarm is not
/* The alarm interface 'flags' bits. [TBD: exact format of 'flags'] */

      Inputs:      EAX   = flags value, cycle counter number or'ed with
                       #define VMI_ALARM_WIRED_IRQ0   0x00000000
                       #define VMI_ALARM_WIRED_LVTT   0x00010000
                       #define VMI_ALARM_IS_ONESHOT   0x00000000
                       #define VMI_ALARM_IS_PERIODIC  0x00000100
                   EDX   = low word, alarm expiry
                   ECX   = high word, alarm expiry
                   ST(0) = low word, alarm expiry
                   ST(1) = high word, alarm expiry
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL VMI_BOOL VMI_CancelAlarm(VMI_UINT32 flags);

      VMI_CancelAlarm is used to disarm an alarm.  The 'flags' parameter
      indicates which alarm to cancel (VMI_CYCLES_REAL or
      VMI_CYCLES_AVAILABLE).  The return value indicates whether or not the
cancel succeeded. A return value of FALSE indicates that the alarm was already disarmed either because a) the alarm was never set or b) it was
      a one-shot alarm and has already fired (though perhaps not yet
      delivered to the guest).  TRUE indicates that the alarm was armed and
      either a) the alarm was one-shot and has not yet fired (and will no
      longer fire until it is rearmed) or b) the alarm was periodic.

      Inputs:      EAX = cycle counter number
      Outputs:     EAX = 0 for FALSE, 1 for TRUE
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


   The MMU plays a large role in paravirtualization due to the large
   performance opportunities realized by gaining insight into the guest
machine's use of page tables. These calls are designed to accommodate the existing MMU functionality in the guest OS while providing the hypervisor
   with hints that can be used to optimize performance to a large degree.


      VMICALL void VMI_SetLinearMapping(int slot, VMI_UINT32 va,
                                        VMI_UINT32 pages, VMI_UINT32 ppn);

      /* The number of VMI address translation slot */
      #define VMI_LINEAR_MAP_SLOTS    4

Register a virtual to physical translation of virtual address range to
      physical pages.  This may be used to register single pages or to
register large ranges. There is an upper limit on the number of active
      mappings, which should be sufficient to allow the hypervisor and VMI
      layer to perform page translation without requiring dynamic storage.
      Translations are only required to be registered for addresses used to
access page table entries through the VMI page table access functions. The guest is free to use the provided linear map slots in a manner that it finds most convenient. Kernels which linearly map a large chunk of
      physical memory and use page tables in this linear region will only
      need to register one such region after initialization of the VMI.
      Hypervisors which do not require linear to physical conversion hints
      are free to leave these calls as NOPs, which is the default when
      inlined into the native kernel.

      Inputs:      EAX   = linear map slot
                   EDX   = virtual address start of mapping
                   ECX   = number of pages in mapping
                   ST(0) = physical frame number to which pages are mapped
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_FlushTLB(int how);
Flush all non-global mappings in the TLB, optionally flushing global
      mappings as well.  The VMI_FLUSH_TLB flag should always be specified,
      optionally or'ed with the VMI_FLUSH_GLOBAL flag.

      Inputs:      EAX = flush type
                      #define VMI_FLUSH_TLB            0x01
                      #define VMI_FLUSH_GLOBAL         0x02
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard, memory (implied)
      Segments:    Standard


      VMICALL void VMI_InvalPage(VMI_UINT32 va);

      Invalidate the TLB mapping for a single page or large page at the
      given virtual address.

      Inputs:      EAX = virtual address
      Outputs:     None
      Clobbers:    Standard, memory (implied)
      Segments:    Standard

The remaining documentation here needs updating when the PTE accessors are

   70) VMI_SetPte

       void VMI_SetPte(VMI_PTE pte, VMI_PTE *ptep);

       Assigns a new value to a page table / directory entry. It is a
       requirement that ptep points to a page that has already been
       registered with the hypervisor as a page of the appropriate type
   using the VMI_RegisterPageUsage function.
71) VMI_SwapPte
       VMI_PTE VMI_SwapPte(VMI_PTE pte, VMI_PTE *ptep);

       Write 'pte' into the page table entry pointed by 'ptep', and returns
       the old value in 'ptep'.  This function acts atomically on the PTE
       to provide up to date A/D bit information in the returned value.

   72) VMI_TestAndSetPteBit

       VMI_BOOL VMI_TestAndSetPteBit(VMI_INT bit, VMI_PTE *ptep);

       Atomically set a bit in a page table entry.  Returns zero if the bit
       was not set, and non-zero if the bit was set.

   73) VMI_TestAndClearPteBit

       VMI_BOOL VMI_TestAndSetClearBit(VMI_INT bit, VMI_PTE *ptep);

Atomically clear a bit in a page table entry. Returns zero if the bit
       was not set, and non-zero if the bit was set.

   74) VMI_SetPteLong
75) VMI_SwapPteLong 76) VMI_TestAndSetPteBitLong
   77) VMI_TestAndClearPteBitLong

       void VMI_SetPteLong(VMI_PAE_PTE pte, VMI_PAE_PTE *ptep);
       VMI_PAE_PTE VMI_SwapPteLong(VMI_UINT64 pte, VMI_PAE_PTE *ptep);
       VMI_BOOL VMI_TestAndSetPteBitLong(VMI_INT bit, VMI_PAE_PTE *ptep);
       VMI_BOOL VMI_TestAndSetClearBitLong(VMI_INT bit, VMI_PAE_PTE *ptep);
These functions act identically to the 32-bit PTE update functions,
       but provide support for PAE mode.  The calls are guaranteed to never
       create a temporarily invalid but present page mapping that could be
       accidentally prefetched by another processor, and all returned bits
       are guaranteed to be atomically up to date.

       One special exception is the VMI_SwapPteLong function only provides
       synchronization against A/D bits from other processors, not against
       other invocations of VMI_SwapPteLong.

   78) VMI_ClonePageTable

       #define VMI_MKCLONE(start, count) (((start) << 16) | (count))

       void VMI_ClonePageTable(VMI_UINT32 dstPPN, VMI_UINT32 srcPPN,
                               VMI_UINT32 flags);
       void VMI_ClonePageDirectory(VMI_UINT32 dstPPN, VMI_UINT32 srcPPN,
                               VMI_UINT32 flags);

       These functions tell the hypervisor to allocate a page shadow
       at the PT or PD level using a shadow template.  Because of the
       availability of bits in the flags, these calls may be merged
       together as well as flag the PAE-ness of the shadows.

   80) VMI_RegisterPageUsage
   81) VMI_ReleasePage

       #define VMI_PAGE_PT              0x01
       #define VMI_PAGE_PD              0x02
       #define VMI_PAGE_PDP             0x04
       #define VMI_PAGE_PML4            0x08
       #define VMI_PAGE_GDT             0x10
       #define VMI_PAGE_LDT             0x20
       #define VMI_PAGE_IDT             0x40
       #define VMI_PAGE_TSS             0x80

       void  VMI_RegisterPageUsage(VMI_UINT32 ppn, int flags);
       void  VMI_ReleasePage(VMI_UINT32 ppn, int flags);

       These are used to register a page with the hypervisor as being of a
       particular type, for instance, VMI_PAGE_PT says it is a page table
   85) VMI_SetDeferredMode

       void VMI_SetDeferredMode(VMI_UINT32 deferBits);

       Set the lazy state update mode to the specified set of bits.  This
       allows the processor, hypervisor, or VMI layer to lazily update
       certain CPU and MMU state.  When setting this to a more permissive
       setting, no flush is implied, but when clearing bits in the current
       defer mask, all pending state will be flushed.

       The 'deferBits' is a mask specifying how to flush.

           #define VMI_DEFER_NONE          0x00

       Disallow all asynchronous state updates.  This is the default

           #define VMI_DEFER_MMU           0x01

   Flush all pending page table updates.  Note that page faults,
       invalidations and TLB flushes will implicitly flush all pending

           #define VMI_DEFER_CPU           0x02

       Allow CPU state updates to control registers to be deferred, with
       the exception of updates that change FPU state.  This is useful
       for combining a reload of the page table base in CR3 with other
       updates, such as the current kernel stack.

           #define VMI_DEFER_DT            0x04

       Allow descriptor table updates to be delayed.  This allows the
       VMI_UpdateGDT / IDT / LDT calls to be asynchronously queued.

   86) VMI_FlushDeferredCalls

       void VMI_FlushDeferredCalls(void);

       Flush all asynchronous state updates which may be queued as
       a result of setting deferred update mode.

Appendix B - VMI C prototypes

Most of the VMI calls are properly callable C functions. Note that for the absolute best performance, assembly calls are preferable in some cases, as
  they do not imply all of the side effects of a C function call, such as
register clobber and memory access. Nevertheless, these wrappers serve as
  a useful interface definition for higher level languages.

  In some cases, a dummy variable is passed as an unused input to force
  proper alignment of the remaining register values.

The call convention for these is defined to be standard GCC convention with
  register passing.  The regparm call interface is documented at:


  Types used by these calls:

  VMI_UINT64   64 bit unsigned integer
  VMI_UINT32   32 bit unsigned integer
  VMI_UINT16   16 bit unsigned integer
  VMI_UINT8    8 bit unsigned integer
  VMI_INT      32 bit integer
  VMI_UINT     32 bit unsigned integer
  VMI_DTR      6 byte compressed descriptor table limit/base
  VMI_PTE      4 byte page table entry (or page directory)
  VMI_LONG_PTE 8 byte page table entry (or PDE or PDPE)
  VMI_SELECTOR 16 bit segment selector
  VMI_BOOL     32 bit unsigned integer
  VMI_CYCLES   64 bit unsigned integer
  VMI_NANOSECS 64 bit unsigned integer


  /* Insert local type definitions here */
  typedef struct VMI_DTR {
     uint16 limit;
     uint32 offset __attribute__ ((packed));
  } VMI_DTR;

  typedef struct APState {
     VMI_UINT32 cr0;
     VMI_UINT32 cr2;
     VMI_UINT32 cr3;
     VMI_UINT32 cr4;

     VMI_UINT64 efer;

     VMI_UINT32 eip;
     VMI_UINT32 eflags;
     VMI_UINT32 eax;
     VMI_UINT32 ebx;
     VMI_UINT32 ecx;
     VMI_UINT32 edx;
     VMI_UINT32 esp;
     VMI_UINT32 ebp;
     VMI_UINT32 esi;
     VMI_UINT32 edi;
     VMI_UINT16 cs;
     VMI_UINT16 ss;

     VMI_UINT16 ds;
     VMI_UINT16 es;
     VMI_UINT16 fs;
     VMI_UINT16 gs;
     VMI_UINT16 ldtr;

     VMI_UINT16 gdtrLimit;
     VMI_UINT32 gdtrBase;
     VMI_UINT32 idtrBase;
     VMI_UINT16 idtrLimit;
  } APState;

  #define VMICALL __attribute__((regparm(3)))

  VMICALL void VMI_Init(void);

  VMICALL void     VMI_DisableInterrupts(void);
  VMICALL void     VMI_EnableInterrupts(void);

  VMICALL VMI_UINT VMI_GetInterruptMask(void);
  VMICALL void     VMI_SetInterruptMask(VMI_UINT mask);

  VMICALL void     VMI_Pause(void);
  VMICALL void     VMI_Halt(void);
  VMICALL void     VMI_Shutdown(void);
  VMICALL void     VMI_Reboot(VMI_INT how);

  #define VMI_REBOOT_SOFT 0x0
  #define VMI_REBOOT_HARD 0x1

  void VMI_SetInitialAPState(APState *apState, VMI_UINT32 apicID);

  VMICALL void         VMI_SetGDT(VMI_DTR *gdtr);
  VMICALL void         VMI_SetIDT(VMI_DTR *idtr);
  VMICALL void         VMI_SetLDT(VMI_SELECTOR ldtSel);
  VMICALL void         VMI_SetTR(VMI_SELECTOR ldtSel);

  VMICALL void         VMI_GetGDT(VMI_DTR *gdtr);
  VMICALL void         VMI_GetIDT(VMI_DTR *idtr);

  VMICALL void         VMI_WriteGDTEntry(void *gdt,
                                         VMI_UINT entry,
                                         VMI_UINT32 descLo,
                                         VMI_UINT32 descHi);
  VMICALL void         VMI_WriteLDTEntry(void *gdt,
                                         VMI_UINT entry,
                                         VMI_UINT32 descLo,
                                         VMI_UINT32 descHi);
  VMICALL void         VMI_WriteIDTEntry(void *gdt,
                                         VMI_UINT entry,
                                         VMI_UINT32 descLo,
                                         VMI_UINT32 descHi);

  VMICALL void       VMI_WRMSR(VMI_UINT64 val, VMI_UINT32 reg);
  VMICALL void       VMI_WRMSR_SPLIT(VMI_UINT32 valLo, VMI_UINT32 valHi,
                                     VMI_UINT32 reg);

  /* Not truly a proper C function; use dummy to align reg in ECX */

  VMICALL void VMI_SetCR0(VMI_UINT val);
  VMICALL void VMI_SetCR2(VMI_UINT val);
  VMICALL void VMI_SetCR3(VMI_UINT val);
  VMICALL void VMI_SetCR4(VMI_UINT val);


  VMICALL void       VMI_CLTS(void);

  VMICALL void       VMI_SetDR(VMI_UINT32 num, VMI_UINT32 val);



  VMICALL void VMI_UpdateKernelStack(void *tss, VMI_UINT32 esp0);

  /* I/O CALLS */
  /* Native port in EDX - use dummy */


  VMICALL void VMI_IODelay(void);
  VMICALL void VMI_WBINVD(void);
  VMICALL void VMI_SetIOPLMask(VMI_UINT32 mask);

  /* APIC CALLS */
  VMICALL void       VMI_APICWrite(void *reg, VMI_UINT32 value);
  VMICALL VMI_UINT32 VMI_APICRead(void *reg);

  VMICALL VMI_NANOSECS VMI_GetWallclockTime(void);
  VMICALL VMI_BOOL     VMI_WallclockUpdated(void);

  /* Predefined rate of the wallclock. */
  #define VMI_WALLCLOCK_HZ       1000000000

  VMICALL VMI_CYCLES VMI_GetCycleFrequency(void);
  VMICALL VMI_CYCLES VMI_GetCycleCounter(VMI_UINT32 whichCounter);

  /* Defined cycle counters */
  #define VMI_CYCLES_REAL        0
  #define VMI_CYCLES_STOLEN      2

  VMICALL void     VMI_SetAlarm(VMI_UINT32 flags, VMI_CYCLES expiry,
                                VMI_CYCLES period);
  VMICALL VMI_BOOL VMI_CancelAlarm(VMI_UINT32 flags);

  /* The alarm interface 'flags' bits. [TBD: exact format of 'flags'] */
  #define VMI_ALARM_COUNTER_MASK 0x000000ff

  #define VMI_ALARM_WIRED_IRQ0   0x00000000
  #define VMI_ALARM_WIRED_LVTT   0x00010000

  #define VMI_ALARM_IS_ONESHOT   0x00000000
  #define VMI_ALARM_IS_PERIODIC  0x00000100

  /* MMU CALLS */
  VMICALL void VMI_SetLinearMapping(int slot, VMI_UINT32 va,
                                    VMI_UINT32 pages, VMI_UINT32 ppn);

  /* The number of VMI address translation slot */
  #define VMI_LINEAR_MAP_SLOTS    4

  VMICALL void VMI_InvalPage(VMI_UINT32 va);
  VMICALL void VMI_FlushTLB(int how);
/* Flags used by VMI_FlushTLB call */
  #define VMI_FLUSH_TLB            0x01
  #define VMI_FLUSH_GLOBAL         0x02


Appendix C - Sensitive x86 instructions in the paravirtual environment

 This is a list of x86 instructions which may operate in a different manner
 when run inside of a paravirtual environment.

   ARPL - continues to function as normal, but kernel segment registers
          may be different, so parameters to this instruction may need
          to be modified. (System)
IRET - the IRET instruction will be unable to change the IOPL, VM,
          VIF, VIP, or IF fields. (System)

          the IRET instruction may #GP if the return CS/SS RPL are
          below the CPL, or are not equal. (System)

   LAR  - the LAR instruction will reveal changes to the DPL field of
          descriptors in the GDT and LDT tables. (System, User)

   LSL  - the LSL instruction will reveal changes to the segment limit
          of descriptors in the GDT and LDT tables. (System, User)

   LSS  - the LSS instruction may #GP if the RPL is not set properly.

   MOV  - the mov %seg, %reg instruction may reveal a different RPL
          on the segment register. (System)

          The mov %reg, %ss instruction may #GP if the RPL is not set
          to the current CPL. (System)

   POP  - the pop %ss instruction may #GP if the RPL is not set to
          the appropriate CPL. (System)

   POPF - the POPF instruction will be unable to set the hardware
          interrupt flag. (System)

   PUSH - the push %seg instruction may reveal a different RPL on the
          segment register. (System)

   PUSHF- the PUSHF instruction will reveal a possible different IOPL,
          and the value of the hardware interrupt flag, which is always
          set.  (System, User)

   SGDT - the SGDT instruction will reveal the location and length of
          the GDT shadow instead of the guest GDT. (System, User)

   SIDT - the SIDT instruction will reveal the location and length of
          the IDT shadow instead of the guest IDT. (System, User)

   SLDT - the SLDT instruction will reveal the selector used for
          the shadow LDT rather than the selector loaded by the guest.
          (System, User).

   STR  - the STR instruction will reveal the selector used for the
          shadow TSS rather than the selector loaded by the guest.
          (System, User).
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