Re: Linux drivers management

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You got my vote..... I make simple hardware to improve availability of operational systems and i just can't go to build a native driver because i could not find a kit that works.... now i use a perl script to acomplish this mission... it works greate but is not beaulty as i like it to be.... Time is money.....
 Pedro Alves

David Chow wrote:

David> separate Linux drivers and the the main kernel, and manage
David> drivers using a package management system that only manages
David> kernel drivers and modules? If this can be done, the kernel
David> maintenance can be simple, and will end-up with a more stable
David> (less frequent changed) kernel API for drivers, also make every
David> developers of drivers happy.

David> Would like to see that happens .

Simple answer: no

Maybe someone is working on it, but it's highly unlikely to be
anything but a waste of that person's time.

This is a classic question, by seperating out the drivers you make it
so much harder for all developers to propagate changes into all pieces
of the tree.
I write drivers, never need to change kernel if the kernel API is 
mature enough to provide the need of a module developer needs. There 
is no reason to make changes to the kernel source, only needed because 
the original kernel code is crap or the API designed without proper 
software/system architectural design work effort. Each Linux kernel 
version go through a lengthy beta release cycle (e.g. 2.3, 2.5, 2.7), 
this shouldn't happen and idea collection should be enough through 
this large Linux community.
If our time is to focus on kernel's kernel, writing good documentation 
about a stable kernel API, it will benefit many developers to write 
drivers to Linux . It is too difficult to learn, this is a main reason 
why Linux is lack of support from manufacturer drivers, not because 
they don't like Linux and no market, it is because this has created 
high entry barrier for them.
I've been working on Linux modules for many years, training my 
engineers, talking to developers, hw manufacturers .. believe it or 
not, this is the main reason. They all ask for a DDK for Linux that 
can make drivers easily for their product.
I think I am in a different position like you guys, I've been work 
with Linux from programmer level to Linux promotion . My goal is not 
just focus on Linux technical or programming, I would like to promote 
this operating system to not just for programmers, but also 
non-technical end-users . Writing C code to me is just bits of task of 
some process.  You are too much focus on programming without 
considering the market situation.
There is no right or wrong for this question, but my original question 
is to listen thoughts and to hear the goal of people in the list. And 
of course, I would really like to see you people look into the way to 
facilitate more people gets a path with ease to Linux drivers 
development. User driver installation without the need to know about 
kernel sources, gcc, make etc....  "Because I am a dummy, I want to 
plug-in my device, put in the driver disc and hope it works!"
David Chow
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